Would you ?


so we were talking at work… what would YOU do?

say you and your friend were over at his/her house and you found out that the won the jackpot powerball multi blah blah blah (a lot of effing money)
say it was just you and them, and they went running round the house all excited and left the ticket there infront of you.

would you

celebrate with them in hopes of they remember you are their friend

heist that shit and take off like a thief in the night (knowing you wouldnt get caught)


go home and cry knowing it wasnt you that won it…

i already know my answer… i just want to hear what you would do, and be honest, it wont be a pulic poll

I would neither celebrate nor touch that ticket. Coming into a windfall of money like that would make my life miserable. Everyone would feel entitled to your money because you didn’t earn it. They would hate you for having things you didn’t earn, for not giving them a cut. You wouldn’t have a feeling of accomplishment for anything you have. You’d always wonder if your friends liked you or just your money…

I’m serious. I’ve thought about this before. I don’t play the lottery. I wouldn’t want to win. So many lottery winners wind up miserable and/or broke.


I would neither celebrate nor touch that ticket. Coming into a windfall of money like that would make my life miserable. Everyone would feel entitled to your money because you didn’t earn it. They would hate you for having things you didn’t earn, for not giving them a cut. You wouldn’t have a feeling of accomplishment for anything you have. You’d always wonder if your friends liked you or just your money…

I’m serious. I’ve thought about this before. I don’t play the lottery. I wouldn’t want to win. So many lottery winners wind up miserable and/or broke.


Youre a fucking retard. Either that or Im a huge asshole. Because id steal the ticket, GTFO and never, ever talk to anyone I know again. Id just roll in to switzerland or holland with a ton of cash, start a new life and never look back.

this thread reminds me.

I was at Noco, filling up the pig, and went inside for gatorade.

Woman in from of me, ~55-60 yrs old, is playing the numbers. $5.

She plays $5 EVERY DAY, for the last 28 YEARS, but she’s going to get lucky SOON.


:frowning: kind of sad


this thread reminds me.

I was at Noco, filling up the pig, and went inside for gatorade.

Woman in from of me, ~55-60 yrs old, is playing the numbers. $5.

She plays $5 EVERY DAY, for the last 28 YEARS, but she’s going to get lucky SOON.




is it more sad that youre willing to steal from old people, or that you stalk old people at the gas station ??


this thread reminds me.

I was at Noco, filling up the pig, and went inside for gatorade.

Woman in from of me, ~55-60 yrs old, is playing the numbers. $5.

She plays $5 EVERY DAY, for the last 28 YEARS, but she’s going to get lucky SOON.



Thats a good thing IMO. It keeps her poor and away from me.

lol and she’ll be excited when she wins $1000 dollars, feeling that it justifies the last 28 years. ($5 dollars a day for 28 years is $51,000 dollars.)

51135-51130 you forgot leap year

i never really waste my money on lottery tickets, Personally ive never been that luck to even come remotely close to winning ANYTHING. So i hope her boat comes in before death does, but it usually seems that old people win pretty frequently for some reason. Perhaps the lotto knows that they wont live as long as the payments are made hoping they dont take a lump sum?

But if someone i know won, damn right we would celebrate. I dont care if i see any part of that money friends should naturally be happy for each other in regards to something that huge.


this thread reminds me.

I was at Noco, filling up the pig, and went inside for gatorade.

Woman in from of me, ~55-60 yrs old, is playing the numbers. $5.

She plays $5 EVERY DAY, for the last 28 YEARS, but she’s going to get lucky SOON.



You think thats bad? I’ve gone with my aunt a few times to play bingo here at one of the casino’s. Theres a lady there who plays every session everyday. Thats 15 games a day. The cheapest game you can play is $30. $5 a day isn’t that much, a lot of people spend more than that on Cigarettes. On a side note I played bingo this past sunday and won $1000 woot.

On-topic: I’d celebrate and be happy for my friend for their new wealth. Hopefully it wouldn’t lead them into a bad place.


51135-51130 you forgot leap year


im pretty sure that they only draw mon - fri (?)

$5 x 5 x 52 x 28 = $36.4

I would have taken it and you would never see me again in Buffalo.

Depends if he is a good friend or an ok friend.

A good friend no, because chances are we are hanging out, we are close enough he’d buy me a car or something nice.

A ok friend no, I jack the ticket and run and turn it in.

I watched a show about lottery winners, most turn up broke because they take the 10 million, buy a 5 million dollar home/15 cars with no investments and never work again.

First thing I’d do is of course invest enough that I never have to worry about being broke for one.

I recall one lottery winner did that, he took his 10 million, gave it to a financial place and said I want to take this and in 10 years turn it into a billion with little risk, I forgot how long it actually took I think like 13 years or so, but it ended up happening that was one of the success stories.