pretty neat sequential twin turbo set up (2jz)

god its hot

im not liking the gate setup tho,runner from downpipe to gate???

Doesn’t look sequential to me…???

baller :tup:

isn’t sequential supposed to mean INLINE, like the new ford diesel? smaller turbo feeds bigger turbo.

looks like a log mani w/ runners for each port going to the turbo’s…and a 44 gate split from the middle & end of the log…and then for some reason they have the 38mm on the exh side of the other turbo…my only guess is to block exh gases? and create a bigger pressure differential across the other turbine? looks like a very very expensive log manifold that will flow no better then a single top mount setup.i think this is an ego manifold

in the last picture, it doesn’t look like he’ll have a whole lot of room for the charge piping on the rear turbo

way over engineered if you ask me


finished product

production kit…12 grand

That looks sick. I thought it was going to be another 2 Jay-Z’s under a hood.

not sequential.

well you know what i meant

I thought you meant sequential, but I get it now. Anyway, it’s neat…

those are just same size twins but are sequential. I hate sequentials anyway, even when they do work right. Usually there is a smaller turbo for low rpm boost production, then as the bigger turbo is spooled itll switch over to that one. This is usually done with trouble prone exhaust doors and somtimes even checkvalves on the compressor outlet side of the turbo

Maybe it’s just me but I don’t see anything special here…?

it is sequential from the looks of the piping. that flapper door in the downpipe of the front turbo. that looks like it is to block flow from going through that turbo completely so that the first one spools up real fast. the wastegate that bypasses that flapper looks to be there to smooth the transition from one to two turbos based on a boost source. then once the second is spooled significantly, the flapper opens for full power.

that is all speculation on my part given what i can see and there would need to be another throttle body in front of the front turbo for that to work.

the thing that i cant see is the manifold at the head to see how it splits off to feed the two turbos nor what two pipes control the other external wastegate so i could be wrong in its operation but thats what it looks like. the production setup seemed to do away with that flapper thing too.


Maybe it’s just me but I don’t see anything special here…?

