Price Gouging Vs the Gas Pump

you can’t SURvive on the streets, you can barely spell.


youve made a lot of dumb choices in starting threads, yet you still appear to be alive.


i love it

i cant get enough

Lol. Slow day Fry?

Thats the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard, its a thread.
People who take the internet serious need to find a girlfriend or a hobby.
The fact that any post on the internet can effect someones day is beyond me.

You don’t need to spell for anything in life unless your an english teacher, to survive on the streets you need to know how to make money without a 9-5.
Also you need to know the code of the street.

Were able to type that without giggling? I wouldn’t be able to.

fry - do YOU know the code of the street?!!/!!11

Yep. 00110100101010010100

^ Fry is gangsta. Haven’t you seen his passport? He knows the code of the street in like 18 different countries.

EDIT: None of which Karter can spell.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::uhh::squint::roll: :loopie: :cjerk::gtfo::gtfo::gtfo:

that is sig material.

first code of the street, you don’t talk about the street

have YOU seen his passport??

If so… :tup:

Has anyone seen my passport?



“Have you seen my BASE BALL?”

are people here under the impression that the gas station manager is the one that sets the price?

gas stations in and of themselves are not in control of what they charge for gas.