Priceline Resort Fees..

I booked a trip to tampa for a few weeks from now.

We go every year, and stay on St Pete Beach, right on the Gulf of Mexico.

I usually bid on 3 star, or 4 star rooms only.

If you know how priceline works, you bid the star level, then what you will pay.

We lowball the piss out of them, I bid $50 per night for a 3.5 star room.

I was accepted on the first try.

After reading some reviews of the hotel, I learned that they charge a $25 dollar resort fee.

This fee includes paddleboats, internet access, and parking.

Do you guys think that amex will chargeback the money if I start a dispute after I pay the charges?

Do you guys think I’m being an idiot about the situation? I paid for an all inclusive room for 50 per night, and prepaid. Now they are basically going to dump a 50% tax on top of it.

Its not the money, we are staying for 5 nights, it would be 125 extra in fees, its just the principal. If I would have gotten a warning that said, hey you will agree to pay a $25 per night extra fee, then I would have bid elsewhere.

would it hurt to try? seems like a dick move since you are saving so much, but I understand the principle

Yeah that seems pretty gay, but find out what this fee covers completely before going apeshit.

paddle boats, internet, and parking are worth a one time $25 fee, but not every night, that seems a little excessive.

Actually, that seems pretty fair. $20/day is a usual parking fee I’ve seen…

BTW there’s also a toll to get onto the island. Street parking was like $1/hour like 4 years ago when I went there.

pay to park at a hotel you are staying at? really?

most big cities charge you to park at hotels. toronto is a guarantee for 20-30 a night.

Yeah… most places where parking is limited.

fee seems justified then…

I’m sure you just missed the fine print, and may have a hard time even though AmEx is pretty consumer friendly.

But he requested a $50 max hotel price…
not a $75 max.
Kinda goofy imo ;\

I should have been more clear.

It is a 25 dollar per night fee. We are staying 5 nights, so its a $125 bullshit fee to park my car, and play on paddleboats (I probably won’t do that).

Personally I would probably try to get the money back unless the hotel turned out to be worth it.

I’m in the hotel business and that isn’t a bad resort fee. If places have limited parking (which some do) or they have a garage that is not a bad price. Some places I’ve been to (esp cities or very high traffic places) charge up to $20 a DAY for parking. If that fee includes activities and internet charges then you won’t get a per day charge as well. If you are going to be there for a few days the $25 resort fee is nothing…

It is a tough call.

You agreed to pay $50 a night, not $75 per night.

Though they have to make money too. So I guess I’d say if the place ends up being really nice, forget about the $125. If it sucks, tell them you aren’t paying it.

Ugh after the rally my vaca with the fiancee is costing $250 per night. LoL

the fee is $25 PER DAY. That is very high.

Per Day? Well… I guess it depends. If parking, internet and activities are included I can see that as a justifiable cost. Hotels do that so it’s a combination all those charges into one amount as opposed to 5-6 charges additional per day…

shrug your call I guess… It’s a valid charge and a lot of hotels do a resort fee. I don’t really think you can dispute the charge.

If it’s mandatory, why not just roll it into the room rate then instead of trying to be sneaky about it? It’s like the $100 in taxes and fees every time you want to book an airline ticket

I’m headed to NYC friday and parking at the hotel is $25 per night :gotme:

So, what resort is it?