primantis 11-12

crafton. also pens pay

Am I reading correctly that you are organizing a meet?

Not at all. It will change if you show up.

maybe haven’t watched too many games this year.
more than likely i am in

Or a good place for gyros

dollar beer and pizza works for me

mmmmm pizza

yeah pens games are $2.75 23oz molsons/coors lite and $1 slices of pizza

I belive i can fit this into my busy schedule

If I can scrape together enough change to put some gas in the car maybe I’ll show up.

dont kid yourself you have nothing but time for the food meets :slight_smile:


I will go to this next food meet.

i call bs…you dont eat

did you ask permission to speak woman!!!

did i give you permission to live? get back in your cage whore

might have to head out for this. show you fagnauts how to chow down.

this is pizza not penis


You both need to tone down the disrespect. I dont want to see either of you get hurt.

hahaha thats funnier then what i posted.