Problem with 91 S-10 Beater

Well this evening I got in my truck as usual to go to work. Truck started up fine but when I went to back up the drive way (which is an incline) its started to sputter when the gas was applied and the clutch was half way up. So I pushed the clutch in and drifted back no probelm the engine came back up to idle speed. Stepped on the gas a few times to rev it and it tried doing the “sputter stall” again. Finally get it up on the street and go get some gas (tank was a bit over 1/4 not on E ) but by time I was on the exit street to the plan the truck was trying to stall everytime I hit the gas.

So I spin it around make it back down the driveway and I check the oil (do to a small leak I havn’t been paying attention to), and the air filter. Both were fine.

So I get back in and try to start the car and it takes about 6 10 second cranks to get it started. I get it started and start slamming on the gas to get it to rev, Fially reves repeatedly with out issue Get it up the drive way and on the parkway to the exon. Get gas and when I started it afetr getting gas it fired right up and I had no sputter stall attempts.

Only other thing it has ever done in the past was it would take a few cranks to start seemed like after high speed travel over short distances and then the truck would be shut off. IE My house down the parkway to hime depot shut off then try to start it back up in 5 min.

i was thinking one of the following problems and would appriceate any light on the subject.

  1. Fuel filter
  2. Water in the line fom the heavy rains (but it always sits out side and never did this before)
  3. Fuel Pump
  4. Flooded engine from running high speeds down the park way for a short distance then getting turned off. (Last night atfter work and the truck sit until I left again today)

Info its a 91 S-10, 5 speed manual, 2 wheel drive, No power steering about 105k on engine 2.5 4-banger.

Thank you


well if you need parts or any sort i know my friend (policeintercept on here) has that year s-10 parts store in his garage lol

i say #1

where is it located on the 91 s-10

In the tank
Out side the tank
where the fuel line enters the engine ( like on the 84 buick centurys)

down on the frame rail in front of the tank!

what do I need to get at it tool wise. Or is it in one of those canister looking things in the fuel line.

Any recommendations on what not do do while changing this? or can I just open it up pop in the new filter and be on my way.

The filter should either be a quick disconnect (push the plastic piece toward the filter) or a double nut.

Don’t smoke while you’re changing it.


Mr. Obvious

yeah I found a pictrue of it. there are two feamle “nut” connectors on the filter (one on each end).

I don;t smoke

But if its stuck on there can I use a torch to take it off :smiley:

Thanks for the help. If this doesn;t help the inital problem I;ll be looking for more help.

5/8 ,3/4 wrenches,

well I can;t find the fucking filter on this pig. I have the right filter but I can’t locate it under the truck. I checked both sides used a mirror and its not back there.

I have other issue right now on top of this… This fucking day is getting out of control :mad:

check on the motor :kekegay:

check close to the motor on the left side of firewall area

it should be mounted on the firewall and the drivers side. just look for the metal fuel lines going to the motor. and follow it back until you see the filter.

^ :doh:

yeah I did that and I can’t find the fucking thing unless the harness is so fucking rusted it blended into the rest of the rust.

Relax a few minutes and enjoy the scenery

on my 88 4x4 with a 2.8 the fuel filter is mounted the the back side of the power steering pump bracket. It’s easy to get to from the bottom and through the inner fender. My 96 with the 4.3 is located in the framerail though. I forget which side.

this is the 2.5 and its supposed to be on the frame rail acording to the book :rolleyes: but why would that one to be correct.

Well I found the fucking thing it was on the fire wall behind a bunch of shit on the driver side. Took me about an hour because I hand no room to get the wench in with out taking half the shit out of the engine bay.

That and the wrench sizes were fucked up. The Filter needed a 13/16 and the fitting was a 16mm. :rolleyes:

Thanks for the help and it seems to have helped a lot. I had hesitation when I would first start the engine. I didn’t think anything of it till I had the above problem. Now its seems to accelerate better. so who knows.

anyways thanks again.

16mm=5/8 or close should of been 3/4