Production-based GTI racing to begin in 2008

tow companies everywhere are rejoicing.

seriously, it’s an interesting move on VW’s part. maybe this means there will be more dealership backing for modified cars?


This question goes out to everybody:
If you had to pick one FWD vehicle to roadcourse, what would you pick?

I would take an ITR in a heartbeat.

In all fairness that kid does not own a ITR Nor is that a fair comparison

i dont know much about roadcourses at all, but it seems to me that a gutted hatch with rollcage and a good suspension setup should fair well.

now i just have to wait for someone to tell me why im wrong.

Front tire temps.

@ 2525# and 134 tq my car is hell on fronts. The GTI curb is 3150# (assuming it will probably be about the same with cage and driver after wight reduction) and 207 tq that thing is going to handle like shit toward the end of a race compared with a RWD car.

Also the GTI uses a shit McPherson design.

If the GTI ran at stock boost an ITR would rape it, the ITR probably could give it a few pounds and still win.

Interesting move, but it would seem to be outclassed at this point. Guess it will have to be seen in action.

Guess what, your car wouldn’t fit in that classing or really any classing if you stick a turbo on it. Making said statement a moot point for what this car is built for. :stuck_out_tongue:

Guess what, you need to know what you are talking about. A boosted Teg would fit into HU.

yeah i totally agree with that a rear wheel drive car would be better. comparatively speaking, how would it fair against other fwd cars? cause zong asked, if u could choose any fwd car, what would it be? I said ide take a gutted and caged hatch with suspension setup for roadcourse(knowing nothing about road racing)

First what hatch are you talking about? The GTI hatch, the EF-EG hatch?

What rule set are you using? Car to car, stock to stock? The GTI would probably beat a EF-EG hatch just because of power.


No one cares if you think you could make an INTEGRA faster than a GTI :bloated:

This thread was about production based racing not lets all rate the new GTI

Back on topic it doesn’t seem like manufacturers do this very often so that’s pretty cool in my book. Although I do see Neuro’s point with the Miatas.


hah what is with all the noobs in this thread thinking im saying that my boosted teg would be better than a GTI . All i said was that id rather boost my own car as opposed to paying 20 something thousand dollars for a car that would be slower and that i just personally do not like.What do u thinks gonna happen , there are a ton of vw haters on this site along with fbod , honda, and dsm haters its an open forum and ppl have opinions that they are going to express about certain cars and if its too much for you than go elsewhere.

im pretty sure it was the way you worded your opinion…

edit: and noobs should call other ppl noobs


hah what is with all the noobs in this thread thinking im saying that my boosted teg would be better than a GTI . All i said was that id rather boost my own car as opposed to paying 20 something thousand dollars for a car that would be slower and that i just personally do not like.


You “boosting ur teg” has nothing to do with a production based racing series and/or a thread about it. No one really cares what you think of the car that was the point I was trying to make before.

If this was a thread about a GTI concept car or something of that nature by all means you could say you don’t like it or whatever your opinion is but it’s not.

:word: It’s a cup series. Nobody gives a fuck about your teg because the GTIs will only be racing against other GTIs. Hence “CUP RACING SERIES”.



hah what is with all the noobs in this thread thinking im saying that my boosted teg would be better than a GTI . All i said was that id rather boost my own car as opposed to paying 20 something thousand dollars for a car that would be slower and that i just personally do not like.What do u thinks gonna happen , there are a ton of vw haters on this site along with fbod , honda, and dsm haters its an open forum and ppl have opinions that they are going to express about certain cars and if its too much for you than go elsewhere.


i’m pretty sure that “noob” showed more intelligence in one post than you’ve shown in 800+ posts.

rofl @ n00b calling.

haha ok , and your posts are intelligant? look at what your posting right now, u dont even know me and i doubt u even have read any of my other posts on here which are mostly for selling/ buying things.Sorry for having opinion on this site and agreeing with neurokinetik that these things are heavy slow cars and that id rather build my own car.


haha ok , and your posts are intelligant? look at what your posting right now, u dont even know me and i doubt u even have read any of my other posts on here which are mostly for selling/ buying things.Sorry for having opinion on this site and agreeing with neurokinetik that these things are heavy slow cars and that id rather build my own car.


no, most of your posts are leg humping fast kids from west seneca that do not actually like you. you don’t need to apologize for having an opinion, you need to apologize for being stupid.

EDIT: don’t respond. it’d be even better if you stopped posting, but i’m not getting this thread locked or myself in trouble with mods. i’m done in this thread.


Yeah, manufacturers don’t directly support cup racing as much as they use to. Off the top of my head, the only production car “cup” racing series in the USA (new cars) are:

  • Miata MX-5 Cup
  • Mini Cooper Cup
  • GTI Cup
  • Viper Cup (Competition Coupe)
  • Porsche GT3 Cup


Dont forget the Neon Spec series the used to actually be televeised on speed way back in the day.

Its tough because spec series I think get boring to people.

Forgot about the Neons. :ham:

Is there a BMW 3 series cup too? Not sure…

In the US I’ve never heard of a 3 series cup. That doesn’t mean its not out there though.

Remember in the neon cup how they all had to have the big multi color neon on the hood? Yea that was a fashion statement for sure.