progress thread: 94gt5.0

Yeah I hear that! Id rather be toned up than lifting like a freak. Well, Id rather be both honestly, but thats not very realistic :lmao

Are you losing weight right now, gaining, or staying the same?

Been a steady slow loss in weight. Went from low 220’s, and down to 214.2 last time I weighed in a few days ago. Getting progressively stronger, and losing a bit of weight.

Enjoy those kinds of gains while they last! I’m up to 191, lol.

The eating better and cardio is helping with that alot!

lmfao. The only eating/drinking I’ve seen you do is NOT “healthy”.

I drink once a week usually, if that :lol. And I ate a piece of chicken off the floor that I was told I wouldnt eat haha

I know Adam knows better, but it amazes me how many guys in the gym that think that gaining muscle mass is dependant mostly only training and nothing to do with diet:Idiots

I firmly believe that someone can drink 1x a week without hampering progress in the gym very much at all.

good jobo adam and slowZ0h6

friday was curling 165 for sets of ten.

then got really sick.

yesterday went to gold with my bro. did 335x3 incline.



Got a guy over on Supraforums that says he’s doing 140’s on incline for 8 reps@a bodyweight of 200, with no AAS, protein powder or creatine, however he claims his flat barbell bench is only 225x10…

Why do people gotta lie?

i was tempted to try the 150’s yesterday but by that time i had already hit the 110’s for 20 reps.

Exactly my point, do you think someone that weighs 200 that has never touched protein powder could do 140s?:Idiots

yes i do think its possible. do i think he may just be talking shit, yes, but there are small dudes out there who have that useable muscle.

With no AAS/PH? Eh…I guess I wouldent bet my life but I’d bet a large chunk of change that it’s not true. And who benches 280lb of dumbells on incline for 8 reps but can only do 225 on flat barbell for 10?!

yea he is more than likly talking out his skinny ass

well i saw a 19yr old kid, who weighs 168lbs bench 520 on sat in amsterdam at a bench comp so yup very possible. this kid looked like every other lean 168lb 19yr. that was amazing to watch

so after watching that this past sat and the beasts ill see this sat moving weights we are allll weak ass bitches!!!

warm up 1 135x15
2 185x12

flat barbell
set 1 335x5
2 345x5
3 355x5
4 365x5
5 375x4
6 315x6(cool down)
incline barbell
sets 1-3 325x6
4 225x8(cool down)
flat dumb set 1-3 110x8

inline dumb flys 1 70x10
2 80x10
3 90x9
and am possibly going to doctor soon to get left frot delt area checked. worse pain of my life yesterday, dumb for even benching.

315x5 hack squat tonight, 95x8 (plates) back extension, simply cannot hold any more weight. Will tape two 5’s to a 90lb DB next week (the highest we got is 90) and go for 100x5.

260x6 seated calf raise.