progress thread: 94gt5.0

lolol adam u legend!

bench 440+
dead 610
squat 405 lol sad but i hardly ever squat haha hurt my shoulders the
(barbell shoulder press 335 lol thats how i blew it + 1455 = 1790, sad its stillnot 2000! if i add my 1130x6 leg press it is but thats a machine hahaha owell)

back in highschool they used to make us use: powerclean, squat, and bench for our 1000lb club.

i havent dead lifted in a long time. I think next week im gonna hit the gym and do my maxes. I havent even checked a max in any of my excersizes in a long time. Ill post up after that. Im guessing ill fall just short of the 1000mark. Ive been a bit weak lately.

bench = 225
deadlift = 405
squat = 405

I guess that puts me in the 1000+ club. Im 6’4" and 240lbs. My bench is weak but I have long ass arms which puts me at a disadvantage I think…

ive always disagreed with that statement, maybe just cuz im a short fuck with midget arms but i dont think its true.

Just because your arms are longer doesnt necesarily mean you will have a harder time benching. I think it does mean, however, your muscles are more of an elongated muscle. Instead of building out, you actually have more of a chance to build a more proportional muscle. Therefore why are you disadvantaged in benching? Im not arguing with you, im just wondering the real facts behind that statement. People say it all the time.

pauly = hairy bench monter


my basis for that statement is simply this: watch how much further I have to move the bar down and up compared to someone with short ass arms. when I bench the bar moves like 2 feet, when a short guy benches it moves like 1 foot.

Plus, my bench is weak lol. (actually, all my lifts are kind of weak, but im working hard and they’re going up)

My solution to this: build my chest up until I dont have to move the bar as far. lol.

LMAO…fist pumps :rofl:rofl:rofl

I just think that if your tall with long arms, it shouldnt matter because if your at all coordinated, you can use your body. If your a big, goofy, lanky fuck then ya maybe you suck at life. Same thing for a 5’2 110lb person. But if your 6’2 and 230lbs your not gonna have a big ass bulky arm but the muscle is still there and technically the muscle on your arm+chest+shoulders is bigger than that of the 5’6 guy who weighs 185 (me lol) If your tall and you say your moving the bar two feet, then everything you do everyday of your life is that way. So you should be adapted to that. So i just feel that height/arm length/leg length is no excuse for what you bench/squat/press etc… You aren’t disadvantaged, seeing as you use your body the same way everyday, just like a smaller person does.

I’m not sure really, and I don’t really care that much, but look competitive powerlifters, most of the guys are not that tall.

I have no clue if anything i just said makes any sense at all lol. Nor do i care, im just bored as fuck at work. But i have always thought that.

And your right most powerlifters arent very tall but most of them arent 5’6 either. Theyre usually 5’9"-6’0".

my goals aren’t really set in the amount of weight I move either. My current long-term goal is 260lbs with high-single-digit body fat percentage. That is far off in the future though, lots of work to do to get there.

im bored at work too BTW… haha

haha the word gym stands for hard work IMO…good luck with those goals man. most of us know what it takes to reach them!

haha nice to get paid to sit on here and post worthless shit huh??

true story


260lbs 9%? ur talkn IFBB pro status, good luck with that!

certainly not going for anything like that lol.

Like I said, thats a long, long term goal. and it may very well be completely out of reach, but its just a goal I set.

Of course I set shorter term, and maybe more realistic goals for myself also.

and Im not sure that 260 and 9-10% at 6’4" is anywhere near ifbb pro status

lol def. lol my long term unreachable goal is 250 somewhat lean but its not realistic, ive been up2 243lbs but not lean haha

how tall are you?

woa ur a tall one, haha im a midget compared to u at a wopping 5’7"… 9% is pretty hard to maintain for much longer than a few weeks, ud still be a monster, esp if the weight was all up top