progress thread: 94gt5.0

:rofl your tryin to gain and i wanna lose it

No, Im losing and trying to lose more. So far Ive lost 30 pounds- I was 247 earlier in the year.

My goal is 195.

aaaaaaahahahahahahahah omg!!! :retardclap


Probably the wrong forum entirely but thought I’d post in here anyways. Been to tons of docs, xrays etc. I have a compressed disc in my lower back that has been acting up like crazy lately since I’ve been back to the GYM. Advil/Motrin Ice/Heat does nothing for it. PT did nothing. Starting to wonder if IGF injections will do anything. Liver failure FTL though.


igf??? u clearly do not know what igf is.

the only thing that will help thats not surgery is an inverted rack and lots of stretching.

and wtf r u talking about liver failure? man o man so much miss information here it makes me lol

o and ryan just so u know, i have a herniated disc that always acts up. about once a month i cant bend over without my back giving out. i still do bendover rows and if u read above a few pages, 405lbs for a few. u need to strengthen ur rails bro. get those thick cables man.

The only surgery that was mentioned to me was the fusion surgery, which I keep reading 75% of the people aren’t happy with it at ALL.

I can’t even get out of bed somedays it hurts so bad.

Naproxen seemed to help a couple years ago.

please do not get surgery!!! i beg u. everything with the back, well most everything can be solved/lived with with stretching and specific exercises to help.


um…never really thought that of being something to help strengthen the lowe back.

do u have an inverted table? if not go to dicks and try one out. it will take all the compresion off ur disc.

Can you link?

the only way to decompress your spin is hang by your feet or by your neck. hanging by your neck is so umcomfy so…

they feel weird but sooo good on ur back.

How long would you do something like that for?

I tried the naproxen and it did nothing for me so I now have stuff to help prevent the muscle spasm

u have to start low, few mins here and there. then u can go longer and longer. i think my buddys dad was up to like 30 mins a day.

He was gellin’ like that for 30 min a day!?