progress thread: 94gt5.0

E, im going to talk to you after my surgery about getting back into shape. i’m going to need some tips.

60X8 on flat DB flys yesterday, and 250X8 on seated calf raise today, getting there…

I too, could make one day a week over there maybe

94gt… Perhaps some of your schenanigans too

ill be waiting to see you!

340x5 on 5th set of incline bench

295x4 on 5th set then 315x2 on 6th set of barbell shoulder press

progress slowly gettin their

any new progress adam?? (any 1)

I did 75x6 flat dumbells yesterday. Was pretty happy about that.

nice good job son

Feels like my shoulder is gonna blow out though lol. All 175lbs of me.

lol mine feel like that all the time2 esp today cause i did chest mon n shoulders yesterday. bad idea

Yea, I have chest fri, bicep/tricep on mon. shoulders tues.

That’s it, if you hit 160 = back of the pack start at next karting event for you homie… Hahaha.

But seriously, 1000 cal day is rough man, good luck to ya!

I typically go for 400-500 cal when I hit the gym, basically 3 mile run at 8:30-9:00 min/mile pace and then just a couple of quick exercises as I usually get in before closing and that’s all I have time for.

Since I started running and cutting fried foods / treats to 2x a week, I’m down 22 lbs, got 10 more lbs to go though and I’m within like 5 lbs of my high school weight.

Planning to do a basic sit up / push up / 1 mile run pseudo fitness test after the holiday and compare with what I did in HS, should be interesting seeing as I graduated HS like 15 yrs ago… :lol

94GT, sorry to be thread jacking but you did ask people to post their own progress…

Not hijackin at all man, feel free to post whatever! Nice work on cutting 22lbs, I need to start up cardio again somethin fierce!

Nah we took last week off, and were gonna start a new routine this week, but then E got some food poisoning. With any luck we’ll be able to go today!

Thanks, I’m 10 months in on the regular cardio and diet / calorie counting… So no drastic weight cuts here, just slow and steady… Hoping to stay up and keep the weight off (of course the biggest challenge) by making this a life change and not an experiment.

Went from sedentary / pretty poor shape (= not being able to run (> 6 mph) for a full mile) and now I can go out an run a 5K (3.1 mile) pretty easily. Not a big deal for runners I know, but I am NOT a runner by any means so I’m very happy with that…

Damn thats nice man! Before I had my knee surgery I was 195lbs and for the 1st time in my life I could run a full mile. Unfortunately I shot back up to around 22Xlbs with being laid up for 3months then not being able to do shit. Im back down around 215 now, and looking to hit 205 or so. Also gotta start running again, but it feels wierd with the dicked up knee lol.

Yeah I don’t think I ever did a mile since after high school…

$hit, only way I was running in college was to the Mickey D’s 2 for $2.22 Sausage McMuffin w/ Egg special, or to a panty raid… Oh wait I went to RPI so you know I’m lying about the second part.

One thing I noticed though, when I do lift I don’t need much of a break between sets and my 2nd, 3rd set is almost as strong as the first. I don’t lift weights much or very often, but the improved endurance does have a positive effect on strength as well (not on max of course but more with reps).

Maybe try swimming if the knee is messed up? Elliptical is another choice too…

Yeah I was doing the elliptical for like a month solid, usually 30-40mins with no issues. But when I try to run it feels wierd and I look like forest gump :rofl

You are pretty ugly now that you mention it


You’re routine sucks, badly. Want some help?