progress thread: 94gt5.0

Explain why it sucks?

That isn’t my only routine btw. I do legs and back the end of the week.

Training muscle groups 1x a week is not best for maximum strength/hypertrophy gains. How many days a week can you train?

Millions of people use the split system with great gains.

I also do cardio 3x a week. Been slacking on that though hardcore.

Do as you wish, if you aren’t willing to learn, I can’t help you. In the meantime, email Layne Norton and Alan Aragon and ask them what’s better, I gaurentee that either one of them will tell you twice a week and can produce REAL evidence that training muscle groups 2x a week is better. Either of there left nuts know more about nutrition/training than anyone you know, anyone in this tread, etc.

wtf travis? im sorry man but u are putting these two dudes on a pedestal and im not sure y.

you can read 1 billion articles saying this, saying that, and saying to smear baby turtle shit on your bicepts 3x a week and u will get not only get jacked but tan as well.

if your not on some serious sauce AND eating like a mad man, DO NOT TRAIN A MUSCLE MORE THAN ONCE A WEEK!!! your body will not have the proper “nutrients” to support all the breaking down of muscle fibers and repairing them quickly enough to train them again.

lets put this into perspective. adam has been training with me for like 3 months now. we train 3x a week. THATS ALL FOLKS! he started benching 135, and is now maxing out at 225 for 2-3 and still gaining. mind u his diet is not on point at all.

train hard, eat well = success.


Well you know he (Travis) is an expert on everything there is to be an expert on. Kinda like a jackass of all trades.

I really should start working out harder. I havent seen as much of a gain as Id like to. It seems like Ive somewhat leveled off lately and havent been able to increase weights as much as I used to be able to.

only body parts you can train a few times a week are abs and calves. i never ever do 2 major bodyparts a week. i do light bis on back or chest day and light tris on back or chest day, and do arms friday. like e said…once a week unless ur not a N/A Eating freak

Exactly my thoughts.

I’m gonna just try the turtle shit routine!! lol I’ll keep ya all informed!!!

Man speaks the truth! I eat like CRAP and train each muscle group 1X a week and have had good luck so far…

Another big mofo that knows what hes talkin about :lol


All natural bodybuilder (no steroids) that almost has his PhD in skeletal muscle protein metabolism. Stronger/leaner than ANYONE in this thread. He’s dedicated his LIFE to nutrition and training, and I gaurentee that he trains, and has his clients train bodyparts 2x a week.

You guys just keep listening to the ‘big guy at the gym’ though. You’ll make progress training muscle groups 1x a week, and you’ll make better progress training muscle groups 2x a week.

Oh and PJB fuckhead, I’m not an expert in anything, I just learn from those that are.

Dont believe everything you read on the internet douchenozzle

travis, have u ever herd the terms…

ectomorph endomorph mesomorph?

unless your a stright endo, eating a lot and have great genetics (which i know no one on here has) i WOULD NOT train 2x a week.

you have to find what works for u. and if im going to be honest here, if your still only benching 60lbs dumbells on flat, i would have to venture a guess and say…its not working for u. not trying to be a dick but.

I respect your opinion man, no hard feelings at all. As far as flat goes, I’m not benching 60’s, I posted the other day that I was doing 60’s for flys, not flat bench LOL. I’ll post some new progress numbers for other exercises in a few weeks.

Oh, and as far as genetics goes, they matter more than training style, diet, etc. I remember back in high school finally being able to rep 135 on flat barbell bench 6 times after MONTHS of works, where as other friends were doing mid-high 200s for reps and maxing out at over 350. We all followed the same programs etc.

I didn’t touch a weight for almost 10 years, and at age 26, I could only do 10lb dumbells for DB shoulder press, and 25lb dumbells for flat press, and maybe 30 lbs for DB rows. Only after a little over a year and a half of ‘serious’ training, I’ve multiplied those numbers a few times over.

o my bad.

all i know is, i read articles for it, and more against it. i mean do it yourself. u blast off a large muscle group monday, that same muscle group is more than likly going to be sore when you have to train it again. training heavy and hard while sore isnt good.

if u do light tris with chest monday, and heavy tris with bi’s on friday, this is more of a volume thing and keeping the muscle “goop” in the muscle and keeping them large. i will do this and have done this.

the only way i would condone training hard 2x a week is a dogcrap routine. and thats heavy and hard but…very low i guess it all depends on what ur talking about

I know what you are saying man and I agree, but for my training program, it does not apply. I train 4X a week, upper body power on Monday, Lower body power on Tuesday, rest Wednesday, upper body hypertrophy on Thursday and lower body hypertrophy on Friday.

I just spray tan like a mother fucker. It works!

i use heavy weight, it kinda works. but as far as 1 or 2xs a week workouts go, ull get stronger n lean 2xs a week but not strong and big unless ur not n/a. what ever works for one person does not mean it works for an other. 2xs a week is a little much if ur traing hard for strenth n size. leaning out…dif story mother goose