Project CADET



Ha! It’d be cool if it would have, but I don’t expect my setup to beat the car that you don’t own anymore. I’ll be glad to race whatever you get next though.

oh i did forget about that part. sorry i dont read all the pages. u find a company yet? its almost drifting season

Ya, I’m going to get it from VHT in Toronto. I have not heard a bad thing about him yet.

cool let me kno how it goes im getting ready to make a purchase very soon

I can’t wait to see what you’re going to be getting. :smiley:

i got a couple things going on. i’ll make a thread once i get going. gotta find a effin garage first i gots no place to work

Me neither. I got to wait for the weather to break. :hang:

bah I saw this thread and was hoping for a Cub Cadet

this is my take exactly. i modded a car that wasnt popular to mod, it was expensive, but in the end probably/maybe worth it, it was just a fun growing project but now its done. So while its semi rare and i get comments at the track how its unique and its good to see out there, its not good for autox or anything due to the SM classing, and itl get raped by a cheap honda


Waiting for the Nissan dealer to get the oil pump in. I’m probably going to start tearing the motor down tomorrow. There will be plenty of updates in a couple of weeks. :smiley:

car is hot

im tellin you dave just go with the VQ35 lol…lemme know when your gonna be doin all the work i wanna chill out and pretend i know what im doing lol…or i could just be there to lighten the mood if shit gets tense

fixed :wink:

When I start the swap I’ll be sure to hit you up. Be prepared to work though.

And just for Andy, the next 240 swap I do will have a VG30DETT :wink:

Pictures of the motor torn down and a whole pile of parts.

nice. way to call me tho douchenozzle=)

The motor is at my friends grandpa’s house. I can’t really have people over to help. I’ll be calling people when I start the swap though, don’t you worry.:snky: