Project Car..


If you are making all that cash in Cali like you said you were, why the small budget ? I call BS, you are living here in Buffalo still…right ? Be honest now…


right… i am still in Buffalo :bloated:


dude u can’t turn a wrench to save your life and u want to build a project car? have you even been to a track day or autox? just give up on cars man, ur not good at it… this post is just laughable… why don’t u just keep trying to get laid making myspace layouts or something at least you can finish those


like you are one to talk, how about that 500+whp hideous Tiburon that YOU built, that only put down 350 wheel after dumping all that money on a POS. I admit I am no mechanic , I can only do minor shit. But did i say i was going to build the whole car my self? no… for the major shit i would probably take it to some shop around here.

as far as the trying to get laid doing the myspace profiles, dude you have use that far to much. try to think of something new while i laugh my self to the bank.

So honestly take your pre-moded bought automatic m3 and drive off a cliff and get off my nuts. Every thread i start you have to come in and jump the bandwagon… So don’t know wtf your problem is?? Did i fuck your gf or something??

[quote=“Bsp TC,post:31,topic:34083"”]

what ever happen the the z06, or the Ferrari, or the other thousand cars your talked about.


Those will be considered after i pay my Lexus off. A project car is something i can do now and have some fun with.