Project K20 Sedan

mmmmmmmmmmm boost.

Just curious as to what you do for a job that allows you to buy all of this stuff?

16$ an hour for American Design and Contracting :wink:

Quizno’s during the week making pocket money :slight_smile:

Damn. There’s Quizno’s sitll open? lol The one in the same building as my Advance was up for like , 7 months and then went out of business, and a lot of the other places are out too.

yeah there aren’t many still open, im the night manager at mine (latham) off of route 7 and they make about $1600-$2000 a day…compared to the owners 2nd of 3 down in schenectady that makes roughly $150-200$ a day lol huge difference, and you can see why they’re going out of business 1. because of their rediculous prices and 2. because of the little stores like that making a couple hundred a day

yet the owner of that erie store has a 1 of 500 MB SL65s in the US

no the erie store makes good money, im talkin about the one inside the OTB…and the owner of the erie one also owns 2 other quizno’s and like 10 dunkin donuts…and hes 26, BALLIN!

Haha. Nice wolfie in the background. That thing looks awfully familiar. :lol

Civic looks sick dude. Keep up the good work.

Joe your cars awsome but well see whos badder when april comes around

This car sounds like no other, it screams like a demon who just stumped his toe.

that it does :lol

I have to admit, I was shocked when I heard how loud it was. :o

it wasnt always that loud, but the sad thing is it has 2 mufflers :o

this thing is way to loud hahaaha :o

the thing is stupid loud i heard him comming to my house from like 5 blocks away

it will be loud no more thanks to Flowmaster ;D

thank god lol

Flowmaster muffler will be put on tomorrow night, so no more extremely loud car for me :number1

Now the police will have nothing to do. :’(