Project Notch

Thanks:thumbup. I LOVE the look of the carb/throttle bracket setup! Ill give ya a hand with your shit if ya need it. Let me know, ya got my #.

i just need some one to stand there and crack the whip.

oh yeah i should prob save ur number now that i got it. that would prob be a good idear

Not a bad idea :lol

more pictures. now.

Haha, should have some more shortly. Id like to try and get the full front suspension in, the front clip back on, and get it on the ground soon!

prolly help if ya helpd him instaed of whoopin on the golf cart all day

golf cart?

yeah adam got the best launch of his life today on one

:rofl Hey, sometimes ya gotta take a break and have some fun on a golfcart lol

The golf course I delivered to Thursday had one with spinners.

i got nuttin but attitude from my kid after we left lololo little fucker:lol

LMAO, he was fuckin PISSED at you man! Soo funny!

i let him start off a few sparklers in the truck to shut him up ,it worked

:rofl You tard!

Where were you guys hanging out tonight?

At the shop, working on the car

Hank hooked Paul up and fixed the steering shaft problem!

it didnt hurt anything ,shut him up ,project complete

no thanks to u guys paradeing around playing the kiddy drums and guitar and bogging the gator out in the fields.

i really wish i had a camera phone to get Adam mashing the kiddy drums.
that was fucking priceless.!!!

:rofl I was doin work!!

haha adam sucks on the kiddie drums and guitar, but hank is nasty with steering shafts. Amazing job on that buddy thanks so much. Could never get this car done without my buddies so thanks to you guys too, and as far as getting it on all fours i could prolly have that done within the next couple nights, then its just mounting the cell and battery box and finishing the floor in the rear. And we can plumb and wire this bitch