So, I got the motor home Wed night; ate dinner and got kiddo to bed, then headed out to the garage to unwrap the goodies…
Packaging was damn good, no tires under the pan, but properly blocked with 2x4s under the motor mounts and oil pan. 2 tiedown straps, and TONS of shrinkwrap. Gotta give hats-off to the guy I bought it from for a good packing job.
After unwrapping the box and motor, here’s what I’ve got…
Not too bad from an initial look for a '98 with 125k on it. Guy I got it from Garden Hosed/Simple Greened it before palatalizing it. I can tell it’s already got some nasty oil leaks, but nothing too crazy.
Also, in the box with the K-Member, the PCM, and intake plastics/sensors… Not too shabby!
Got it up off the pallet/trailer and onto the engine stand, and slowly unwrapped the harness off it… damn that cooregated tubing cracks/breaks easily. Good thing this whole harness is getting gone through with a fine tooth comb, repaired, re-pinned for the newer PCM, and new sheathing installed everywhere.
Then it was time to slowly tear into everything… Got the front accessories off (No problems there, everything was clean other than expected oxydation, did find one trashed belt tensioner on the AC compressor, but whooptie fucking do).
Then went topside, and pulled the intake. Easy enough; shocked how easy this thing came off (I’m used to the glued down old style SBC intakes!).
Looks like the seals went bad topside at one time, lots of oily debris.
Then it was onto the Exhaust Manifolds, those came off without a hitch. Exhaust ports were nice and clean, valves were slightly residued on the exhaust side, but nothing crazy at all.
Pulled the Motor mounts next, the PS one was completely trashed, good thing I’m not using them at all (Onto the scrap pile they go!).
Then I remembered, I might as well drain the oil so I pulled the the oil pan plug…
Then the OH FUCK moment happened… Chocolate Milk on the plug (But nothing came out of the pan oil wise)!!! At that moment, I’m swearing like a motherfucker, and hoping I didn’t waste my $$! (Although even if the motor was bad, I still didn’t waste my $$, all the accessories/PCM/wiring/pan/etc were worth what I paid for the whole motor!).
Pulled the valve covers next, expecting the worst…
Both side were like this… nice discoloring, nothing broken, no chocolate milk…
(Sorry no pictures for the next part, I’ll snap some tonight, camera died).
Ok… so onto the lower end… flip the motor over, and out pours more chocolate milk all over the floor… at this point I’m thinking best case, condensation/leak from when he washed it; middle case, popped head gasket; worse case, fucked block or heads.
Unbolt the pan… and pray as I pull it off. The pan looks identical to the inside of the heads except for the sump and where it ran down into the motor and out the heads. Ok, so it appears that it’s a condensation/wash issue. Thank god.
I’m going to pull the heads tonight or this weekend and tear apart the bottom end. Then send that off for hot-tanking and to get checked over at the machine shop.
So overall it looks like I got a decent deal; just shy of $2200 for the complete motor and new BMR (Still Unreleased, no date as to official launch; but similar to the DKT one they sell) K-Member shipped from FL to UT.