Project R34: Part TA

Just so you know, Ive had numerous texts “yo I saw I skyline today”, or “OMG r34”

I can only imagine the people that come up to you and just want to talk haha

Super JDM.

I needz a white one.

Car is so hot.

I found myself wondering the other day what it’d be like to drive this in the winter

Dunno if the owner will ever try but… ATTESA controller + snows, shouldn’t be a big deal. I never had the ATTESA controller but didn’t really have traction problems before.

It would be a fucking HOOOOOT. the car is a fucking blast to drive on dry tarmac, ETS-pro + snow = my jammy jam. I’ll tell you if it was my car, I’d be taking it out for a snow day or two during that season for some kicks.

what, from me driving it last Saturday?? Shit and I stuck to the back roads most of the way

the RHD factor is deff pretty neat

Cossey, you still owe me a ride in both cars… :facepalm

911 has boost leak and R34 has only a driver seat at the moment until my Recaro’s come in.

Way to make sure no one gets a ride! Hehe j/k.

What about the rear seat in the GT-R? Or have you deleted that for this build?

Do the rules allow for the use of an aftermarket torque distribution device?

wow that 911 of yours has been nothing but trouble huh?


:rofl yeah OMG a boost leak, I’d probably start going emo!


Any high HP car is going to have its gremlins.

not mine :thumbup

not yet :frowning:

Yours doesn’t have enough horsepowers to have gremlinz

sully knows all about demz gremlins

You would actually have to drive it for the gremlins to show up.

drive it once a week/every other week.

but im surprised i still have tread left. :slight_smile: