Project Viggen


the vig is back on the road as of yesturday!

next on the list is body work and paint work


the door will get fixed this year!!!
along with the paint job i have planned
then suspension then who knows
o and new tires are in there somewhere

hopefully on the car…

where else?

With you, anything is possible…

very true

i call bs on the door getting fixed

New clutch and resurfaced flywheel, there is no break in period. Take it easy for maybe the first 50 miles

u wanna bet 5$ on it dave??

if you want, i bet you dont have it fixed by april

shit i’ll believe the body damage is repaired when i see it with my own eyes. you’ve been going on about this for awhile.


lol… trout you need ot get a bigger turbo or work on getting a full exhaust bro

its a saab?

i have plans for a 2.5 or a 3" full exhaust or just a 2.5" dp

my TDI ran faster then your vig.

true. ouch :frowning: