Promoter Cancels United Classics & Customs Vehicle Convention at Birchhill

Just my opinion.

The reason the impromptu gtg was so much fun was because it was last minute. It was perfect timing. It was low key and a GET TOGETHER. Personally, I have no interest in vendors and having my car “judged” or burning up my tires like a teenager. I’m sure the dude in the primered Acura would get in line for that.

Adirondack Nationals? The most fun about that show is the shenanigans on the street. I haven’t paid to get into that show in 15 years.

I’m in for the original “Capital Region MEET”. Car show scene sucks. Been there done that.

When pipe dreams turn to reality…I may be more inclined to participate. But I’m only $30…so who cares…you will still gross $29,970 in admission alone (assuming you are correct about your 1,000 cars).

At the end of the day a decision was made to turn a happy go lucky gtg with a bunch of like minded young adults who appreciate anything on wheels…to something that doesn’t resemble the original idea AT ALL.

TLDR my own post.

I believe your on point sir… I think you ment “it’s only $30” and again your correct… hang out for 8 hours and watch the “shows” and everything for $30…actually its rweally cheap for whats available.

thanks for your input.


And I see your point as well. It’s one I made earlier today.

I may end up going just because its only $30…just letting you know my thoughts.

And I appreciate them…because they matter.
we can’t please everyone…but for $30 for an 8 hour show with all the goodies and no BS…is worth it to me too!


I can get into the Syracuse Nationals for $18, see 7500 cars, see fireworks and rednecks racing lawnmowers, eat a $10 lunch and have a whole day of fun.

$30 quickly turns to $90 when you’re bringing 3 cars, + the $200 in fuel to get them there… etc etc etc. i’d rather spend the $$ on fuel and roll into the lot like that unexpected.

The capital region meet was cool BECAUSE it was a parking lot meet. it’s become a car show, and where i was interested before i just no longer am. I will call it now, someone will have a “capital region meet” to replace this void, hopefully somewhwere around the origional date it was scheduled so it doesn’t interfere with your car show. There is also still the OC meet going on, and that’s blowing up huge. And that’s $5 with everything this show has, aside from a catered buffet (they have food vendors, better IMO), and fireworks (who cares)

I just don’t get where it went from a local capital region meet to blowing it up to this fireworks car convention extravaganza.

What is this oc meet you speak of?

so i don’t muddy this up

this x100000000

Thanks for the comments and inputs. As a primary sponsor of the show some of your explanations and opinions below are interesting…Again its a matter of taste and you’ll need to better understand the differences between a car meet and a vehicle convention. I wanted the show to be seperate from the CRM fb event page…however the higher ups wanted it differently.

Some of the prices that have been quoted actually suggest the UCCC has more for less then you’ve quoted.

The guys that are cheaper are lining their pockets with cash their expenses are NOTHING, we are approach a 10k investment of sorts just to esure you, your family and your vehicle(s) are safe sound and having fun.’ We’re giving a portion back to the community via charity contributions… scholarships or other community needs. Dont really see much of that elsewhere. We’re having a can drive and the regional food bank will be there. the redcross will be there, the military will be there…so we are trying to imporve the car scene locally and publically… just sayin.

If you’ve never experience a convention of this sorts, then its hard to understand how you can comment as some of you have.

and in the end its all good. The event will happen, it’s expected to be excellent by many… There’s more there then meets the eye…

Everyone always wants someone to organize something, but then when a group does, it gets picked apart. Another interesting footnote.

Hey all, im not defending it nor bashing your opinions… i love the read. i just think sometimes we are thinking to small. theres a bigger world out there and some people need help. we can help together…thats the point of this…to admire all vehicles and help those we can with any excess we may have…

So this is or isn’t Hot Import Nights?

The guys who charge $5 day of event, and include everything this show does short of fireworks are lining their pockets but at $45 day of event there are zero profits? Really? I realize you have a venue but that’s ridiculous to say.

I’m gonna pry end up going to this to if I pre register for $30 and I wanna bring my girl in the car… Then my buddy wants to ride along I’m up to $50. Like Wayne said some people might be spending $90 for people to look at your ride?! Idk just seems you could of rented a venue and not of gone so over the top and charged less

Your not paying for your friends though. You could drive a short bus in full of people it doesn’t make a difference.

You guys go to NHRA events and spend $50+ a day to walk around, watch cars run and hang out in the pits after food and drinks. You spend the same going to the Cuse nationals to walk around and look at cars and venders. Any big event, show, convention, whatever you want to call it will cost ya a bit of money for the day. If you guys really think its over priced search for other big shows and see what they charge. Its about the same, some more some less. Not to mention you people have 10-40K cars and probably put more than gas money in them, $30-60 for a day should be chedda off the top! lol

If it was pitched as another show, not one that morphed from a free parking lot loitering g2g I bet nobody would be bitching.


Its the point… Not the money… Your comparing this show to cuse nationals now?

This car show seems like we are going to this guys wedding…


I have paid $10 to get into local car shows, just to park for a few hours and walk around seeing the same old Bel Airs and Mustangs and old people in folding chairs with those creepy dolls leaning on their cars. I see no problem paying $30 for a real car event with the activities I have seen listed.

but this event has never happened, how does anyone know how “real” this event is going to be?