Promoter Cancels United Classics & Customs Vehicle Convention at Birchhill

From their Facebook page about an hour ago:

Alright folks Albany Speed Shop needs your help now if ever. The United Customs and Classic Vehicle Convention has been cancelled due to issues with the promoter. At the last minute he cancelled the show for reasons unknown to all of us as no one has been able to reach him now for three weeks…
HOWEVER - We may have an opportunity to have a Social meet the same day at the same place - Birchhill catering - as a FREE Social meet on private property. They will offer food, beverages and alcohol for of age attendees… No show, no vendors, no BS, no gate fee no nothing,…just come and hang and eat if you want…
If this is to happen in about TWO weeks…we need a overwhelming amount of Yeah’s to pull this off. So PLEASE SHARE THIS with all you know…
We need an idea on attendance ASAP… If the interest is there we will be able to do something…If not Albany Speed Shop and Empire Fitment will try again another time…

And back to a free car gathering it is…


So what happened to anyone who paid and pre-registered?

fucked. lol

if you want to go to a good show and aren’t a little bitch about driving you will be at tuner evolution/black iv, or you can be a moron and drive the other way and go to hin.

judging by their Facebook page they have approx. 10 yeses in the last day

Here’s a “No”

Yup I got screwed too should have known better…

Albany Speed Shop will have it’s own show in the future.
This way we control the outcome and don’t get kicked in the teeth again…

If you Pre reg’d u should be seeking your money back from him.
If you can get mine too…


Show was gonna suck anyway. Lets be real jah feel?

Who kept the fireworks?

Ill buy some if you need to off any.

Pm me. I got some pop pops and sparklers

Let’s be honest, we all saw this coming. You took a car “meet” with 1200+ cars and tried to make a buck off it. Ran it straight into the ground, good job

Keep in mind this WAS NOT a Albany Speed Shop Production. We were mearly a sponsor and helping hand. The promoter and owner of the show is not affiliated with Albany Speed Shop.

In the future when we do hold an event and are the Promoter there will be a different outcome. Do a “good job” telling the correct story.


sure looks like it has your name attached to it…

Wait, so everyone who pre reg’d basically lost their money? Is this real life. How have charges not been filed on the promoter?

Presenting / Sponsoring is not Promoting…
You should know the difference…
In fact I know you do…

I was told that the moneys will be returned…including mine…
IDK though as no one can find him
maybe thats a good thing

Ummmmm, not trying to be a dick but do you hear yourself?

Clearly it was your show, you posted it on your facebook.

If anyone wants to get a hold of the guy I know his name. And can get you in contact with someone who knows him. Pm me all trolling aside. I personally don’t like the fucking dude