fuck…some people have their heads up their asses:
1: only braindead assholes are anti-military. i’ve never met anyone who was against the men and women in our military. while i disagree with us being in iraq, i don’t wish harm on a single soldier over there. people are protesting the war and the (in some people’s opinions) meaningless deaths.
2: people have the right to protest in any way they see fit, as long as it doesn’t infringe on other people’s rights. taste has never been an issue in protests. there was an anti-abortion protest in Wexford last summer at the intersection of 910 and 79. there was a picture of an aborted fetus on every sign. did i find it disgusting? sure. but that’s their right.
3: after the 2000 election debacle, both sides are trying to get every last voter to the polls. i’ve never seen such a registration drive in my life. the more protesters create buzz, the more likely they are to inspire people to action. by liberal numbers, gore won the election by between 500 and 800 votes. by conservative numbers, bush won by 537. see how important getting every last voter to the polls could be?
and here’s some slightly off-topic ranting:
1: why the fuck would the republicans hold the convention in the most liberal city on the east coast unless it’s to capitalize on 9/11? i’m VERY disappointed.
2: what the hell did they blackmail john mccain with to get him to support bush? from what i can tell, he HATES the fucker.
3: according to all polls i’ve seen, pennsylvania is THE most tightly contested state in the country. last i saw, it was 47% Bush, 47% Kerry, 4% Nader, and 2% undecided/other… we’re going to be this year’s Florida. so go vote, regardless of who your voting for, because this may be the most important your vote will ever be.
4: what happened thirty years ago is irrelevant. kerry’s purple hearts (whether legit or no), bush’s absence from the National Guard (whether true or no), et cetera… completely irrelevant. vote based on policies and beliefs, not ancient history.
5: if you hate bush AND kerry, go vote for a third-party candidate you agree with. they need all the votes they can get to meet the 5% to become “real” parties & get the same privaleges the Dems & Republicans get in elections.
6: i think i’ve said absolutely everything i need to say about this election. i’m willing to declare a moratorium on the political bullshit if everyone else is.