ps2 on HD Tv .... Picture sucks how can i fix it

I have a 51 HD Tv. Now on ps2 the pic sucks ass. I went out and got the component cables which gamestop said would fix it. But they didnt. I dont know if its just cuz its some gay brand … mad cat or something. It has the 2 audio and 3 video for the hd settings just didnt work. I set my ps2 to recognize the hd but the cables did not help at all. Should i just get the ones with the Svideo connection or try a better brand of cable. Not sure if gamestop has the better brand or not. Let me know

Oh the picture is like really rigid. Like underground 2. On reg tv it looks good but on my hd the roofline is up down up down up down.

projection lcd dlp? What kind of tv do you have?

toshiba hdtv theatre wide , with wow srs. thats all it says

The answer is…buy an Xbox or wait for PS3. I have the components for my PS2 and it still doesn’t look that great on my HDTV. Comparing NHL 2k6 on Xbox and PS2, the XBox in 1080i mode looked 1000x better. If you have games with the option of progressive scan, use that.

xbox does look better, or wait & get a 360 or PS3

some game look better then others…like GT4 when you switch to 1080i looks decent.

you have to experiment…cause not all games look better when you put on the progressive scan…with HDTV’s

REMEMBER…the better the TV, the more it exploits a bad signal/picture.

your main fix is going to be with the TV settings…
I don’t know how toshibas are but you can’t turn it up the the highest setting (called vivid on my sony)…play around with the settings of the TV.

the highest setting are for HD…so if you try to use them with lower quality signals (video games, regular TV broadcasts, etc…) its going to look shitty.