PS3 + GTAIV ???

My original PS1 still works and I still have it, my original PS2 only stops working when I play GTA3, my Sony digicam had a software issue that made the flash stop working and my Sony DV camcorder has no issues.

XBox 360’s have the worst fail rate out of basically any product ever put on the market and they don’t just lose some function like a Sony product, they are paper weights.

What would you rather own? If you say a 360, you are just a toolbox fanboy and you deserve to go through multiple replacements and get laughed at repeatedly every time you make a “OH NOOEES!!11! RROD!!!eleven” thread.

And don’t even waste your breath with “MS fixed the new 360’s” because no, they didn’t. I still see articles pop up about RROD on them too.

edit and what the fuck does Nintendo have to do with this? Don’t try to change the subject because you feel like an idiot for buying a 360