PS3 + GTAIV ???

Calm down there Mikey. I have had a 360 since they came out and have had no problems. I think overall the games are better on 360 than PS3. Look at some reviews of titles on 360 and PS3, specifically one on the Orange Box. Reading reviews for both systems made me feel like I was reading reviews of completely different games. 360 version had a much better review.

Xbox live is much better than the Sony version and worth the money.

The RROD is obsolete and the old models are fixed with no issue other than loosing your system while its getting fixed. But for every 1 RROD there is probably over a hundred systems that don’t have issues.

And as far as my Wii comment I was just bringing up the fact that Nintendo makes a much better quality system than both Sony and MS. If you dissagree than you’re just stupid.

:rx3: Have a nice day with your overpriced PieceofShit3

Xbox 360 failure rates have been estimated around 30%

Thats about 1 in every 3

Sorry but I’m going to need some reliable sources on that one. If one in every three units sold is getting the RROD than Xbox would be out of business.

Wow, 30% is about 1 in every 3? I had no idea, that is amazing!!

Since you put it into perspective, I am going to throw out my fully functioning 360. :rofl:

You make no sense. The point is, MS has huge hardware issues. Why else would a company up their warranty period from 90 days, to 1 year, to 3 years?


The estimates are between 16% and 33%. Either way, that is much worse than your 1 out of 100 scenario. Mine died after 5 months. I have had no issues with my new one, but that’s probably because I am playing PS3 more now.

I was merely pointing out the redundant statement you made,

"Xbox 360 failure rates have been estimated around 30%

Thats about 1 in every 3"


I was putting into similar terms for the slow kids. He said 1 of 100.

Sorry, it just struck me as funny. :wink:

its ok that will change when DC come for the 360 and nothing comes for the ps3, and the ps3 does not look that much better imo.

now go take the caps of my cable :stuck_out_tongue:

no problems on my 80gb

multiplayer is awesome!

:wink: yes master. DC? (Excuse me for being naive).

Downloadable content.

Ah yes.

something you sony boys wont have!


That’s ok, if I still had my 360 I wouldn’t use it anyways lol.

you should return that ps3 and buy mine

^^ I did return it, but because my parents are giving me their PS3 for my Wii lol.

I just heard the 360 version is outselling the ps3 version 2:1

This just in. Rob touches little boys… and now to Trisha Takenouchi reporting live from the scene…