PS3 + GTAIV ???

you son of a bitch!

Big boys too!!!

I bite the bullet and bought a 360 and GTA on Friday. Ive always had PS and never had a Xbox. I played GTA on both before I bought the 360. Graphics were great on both, my average eye couldn’t tell a difference. The thing that pointed me to 360 was the controller. So much better feel, felt natural to hold it and use. Plus BB was doing the $50 gift card so that made the deal sweeter.

I just heard that Xbox 360 has a year head start in sales and a larger installed base. Almost everyone bought GTA IV.

I read today that they sold $500 million world wide (6 million copies) in the first week…half of which were sold on launch day.

And to those worried about the PS3, word on the streets (yo) is that the patch for the freezing is to be released today or tomorrow.

year head start or not, its still a more complete game on the 360.

you’re a huge embarrassing failure… wat?

thats mean, dont get mad at me because i have the option for downloadable content in the future.

my copy downloaded an 18 MB update last night

See it?;all;1