PS3 steering wheels to not have force feedback...

I hope this is just a rumor…

As much as I hate to be the bearer of more bad PS3 news, no one else at Dtoid seems to be awake. Kindly refrain from directing your hatred at me. Like they say, “Don’t blame the messenger.”

Now that we have that out of the way, let’s get this over with. The PS3 doesn’t have rumble. Now it won’t have force feedback in its steering wheels. Ever. Here’s what Sony had to say to 1UP regarding the issue:

All PS3 games are programmed for the SIXAXIS which doesn’t have force feedback, therefore the force feedback in the wheels won’t be recognized.

Oh well, guess we don’t have to bother with GT5 then… :gotme:

…and since the XBox 360 doesn’t support the G25, no need to buy one of those either. So this is good news. Two consoles and two games I don’t have to waste my money on. Besides, the PC games are better anyway.

This is what I’ve been trying to tell people for years.

But telling a console gamer that PC gaming is better is like talking to a brick wall.


Yeah, because buying a monster gaming PC for well over a grand to play games on a 19-2x" screen is so much better than spending $400 on an xbox and using it on a 50+" HDTV.

Sorry, console + monster TV > * for gaming.

Shitty that they’re dropping force feedback. Don’t really agree with their logic though. “The six axis doesn’t have force feedback, so we can’t support it”. The PS2 controllers don’t have force feedback either.

lol rumor.

any logical thinker would know that.

some 3rd party will develoe a force feed back system. that will offer some sort of api.

If you are spending well over a grand for a PC system for gaming, you are doing something seriously wrong. You can have a PC with top of the line video card for less than the cost of a PS3 or the premium Xbox 360.

Oh yeah, and the PCs can plug directly into your HDTV. :wink:

beat me to it.

So what’s the price now for a MB combo (board, proc, ram), hard drive, gaming video card and decent case?

If what you say is true I’m picturing multiplayer online FPS’s on my 51" HDTV blasting through the surround sound with a wireless keyboard and mouse. :slight_smile:

Probably around $450-600 range for a decent budget system.

As far as that article I’m going out on a limb and calling BS on it. The logic behind that is flat out retarded. After all the PS3 has USB ports, you can have them do whatever you want. Granted I’m not a fan of the PS3, but that article is not really providing a logical source.

well since you asked :wink:

I just purchased an Intel Duo 2 Core 6400, all necessary cooling, mobo, case, 550W power supply and an EVGA GeForce 8800 GTS / 640MB GDDR3 / SLI / PCI Express / Dual DVI / HDTV / HDCP Enabled / Video Card with FREE Dark Messiah Might & Magic PC Game, DVD burner, 160gb HDD and generic case for a grand total of $732 shipped. And that’s because I just had to have the top of the line video card. You buy a 7900 card, you just split your video card cost ($384) in half, which would put the system at ~$540 or so. You go with AMD processor, you just cut your price even more.

I bought name brand components and other stuff I’m picky on. If you want to be frugal, you could cut that down to about ~$450. If you want to be a HUGE NERD, you could get a fancy aluminum case, better power supply, big brand memory, fancier cooling options, yada yada, and end up spending ~$1200 or more.

Video card I chose is Dual DVI, so if your HDTV has DVI inputs it plugs right in, if you have a slightly older HDTV, you may need a DVI->SVGA adapter which is about $20 give or take.

I don’t think it’s an article. I looked at it, and it just seems to be rumor from a major board that gets scoops on tech stuff :shrug: Maybe I’m reading it wrong?

As for the USB support, yeah, xbox 360 and ps3 have usb ports, but if the driver support for the device isn’t stored somewhere, you can’t use it, USB port or not. Case in point, Itagaki, neurokinetik, and I plugged a Driving Force Pro into an Xbox 360 to see if we could use it with PGR 3 and the wheel didn’t work at all :gotme:

I don’t think it’s an article. I looked at it, and it just seems to be rumor from a major board that gets scoops on tech stuff :shrug: Maybe I’m reading it wrong?

As for the USB support, yeah, xbox 360 and ps3 have usb ports, but if the driver support for the device isn’t stored somewhere, you can’t use it, USB port or not. Case in point, Itagaki, neurokinetik, and I plugged a Friving Force Pro into an Xbox 360 to see if we could use it with PGR 3 and the wheel didn’t work at all :gotme:

You are beginning to get the picture… :smiley:

If you look carefully when choosing your video card, it may come with all of the correct hookup options for any conceivable hookup option. For instance: Mine has two DVI outs, along with a TV out port. The TV out port can connect either composite, S-Video, or component. Supplied with the card is also an adaptor to change a DVI port to a VGA port. In fact, it may have come with two of those adaptors, I don’t remember, as I’ve only used the TV out and DVI options.

But yes, PC gaming on a big screen and home theatre beats anything on a console. I’ve had such a setup since 1998.

After following your advice, I checked. Lo and behold, the card I chose also has HDTV/S-Video. :ham:

No adapters for me.

However the USB port is used for charging/syncing the remote there are no old style PS1/2 ports anymore. If there is a controller for it it’s either going to use USB, or bluetooth. And like any other system, it can be used in any manner the programmers choose. Which in this case could be quite a lot.

Obviously you can’t just plug something in, it would be propritary. Or have drives coded into said piece of software.