psk > *

how many of you can do that?

not me

me,fifteen years ago

was that a 5th or one of the smaller bottles…either way I think he is a turd…all that for some bought friends

haha you are a such a tool, and such a typical response from a CCAC student.

weren’t you working at hybrid for free? thats kinda like “buying” your friends too… :tool:

picture with penny?

CCAC? uhhh no. wow I went to community college to save money I must be a moron huh?

also I am at Cal U majoring is secondary ED- social studies.

you tell me how you are not paying to be in a group cause your people skills suck or you want to fit in so bad and I will stop

PS- I never worked at hybrid and when I did help out doing small stuff it was well after Eric and I and Jay and I were friends :tool:

haha my people skills suck? you are joking right, i mean come on now… you talk to people with no clairity in your voice, you hang your head down, your posture makes it seem like you are uncomfortable with who you are. lets talk about people skills now…

bwahhh you have talked to me what 5 times in your life tops? My posture makes me seem uncomfortable? sorry I don’t walk with my shoulders back in the perfect posture position. could you give me lessons on posture? you know since you are a Phycologist and all right?

Frat boys walk around all tough and loud cause they payed to have someone watch there back…the people who watch my back do it cause they like me for who I am

i will gladly give you a lesson, your ignorance is not your own. its from what you hear, kinda funny that your boy jay happened to be a member of a greek society himself… you are jealous because you hate what you can not be.

go ride hybrids balls, and have a great nite

yeah he was and I say frats pay for friend around him he doesn’t get all hot under the collar like you…

Go buy a car worth my time to race and have a goodnight

haha… come on now, lets just fist fight instead…

or how about this, go buy a computer thats worth my time… or wait this, go get a job thats worth my time, or wait how about this… go get a degree thats worth my time!!

Jerry!!! Jerry!!!

whoa whoa whoa… you don’t exactly have a Harvard one urself…

LOL, but who am i to talk, i’m gonna have a Bobby Mo diploma someday too! :cool: :blue:


coming from an accredited program really is a bargain there son… and remember you have to earn that degree first! and in the burgh and RMU degree means something, there is no doubt about that.

well let me just say this… i’m not ur son…

and not to worry i do more than enough to earn my degree :slight_smile: … and i also believe that RMU’s reputation is growing exponentially in the Pittsburgh market :slight_smile: but this is :offtopic:

did you state that wrong, or am i reading it wrong? doesnt seem to make sense to me :dunno:
i think i know what you mean, but i dunno

