psphinx81 = bladez

left the allstars car show earlier today and were cruising around… ended up next to each other and decided to give it a much needed go as we have wanted to get this going for a long time now, both are cars are finally the way we want them.

40-140 dead even. no vids this time… BUT we will be doing it again.

this was seriously awesome hahaha.

just for comparsion, kens car made 660 on spinas dyno. mine made 512 on innovatives dyno.

Nice work :tup:

I want in… but I think the roll will have to be higher or I have to do a sick heater before hand… I got sideways next to a Shelby this morning at like 60-65mph.


So after all this time your only race is against your brothers car :lol:

Hell froze! It’s raining cats and dogs!!

Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!
Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes…
The dead rising from the grave!
Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together… mass hysteria!

This was fucking awesome to watch happen. These 2 cars are fast!!

:tup: I wish there were videos. :frowning:

:tup: both sweet cars.


we will, were doing it again, this time ken wont have a passenger

Does this mean that you and I can race this year :tup:

Yea with out my fat ass in kens car!!

The race was def sick i thought i was gonna take a shit with my pants on!!!

Good stuff Paul :tup: . I’m surprised Ken didn’t pull you.