218 custom grind from TurboTime. .575 lift after the 1.6 rockers
no vortecs, running ported L35s.
218 custom grind from TurboTime. .575 lift after the 1.6 rockers
no vortecs, running ported L35s.
awesome pictures! let me know when you want to bring it down the road and play!
wow Brandon really going all out with…should be bad ass when u get it done…
the drivetrain pretty reliable with power to them?? nice how everything is so well laid out. “two thumbs up and something else”
someone stole two of your pistons???
looking good so far buddy
update for sure now:boink
Wow awesome. Congrats
C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S :blue:
cool cant wait to see it done
with the twist of the snout, the crank spins almost 5 revolutions. like butta.
is it me, or does that 350 look a little short
2.02 intake, 1.60 exhaust
damn it si looking good!!!
x2 lookin real good brandon…what else is left ?
That Rossler should hold your power nicely. Great work man!
Good deal buddy, she goin be a runner!