Public Education System

perhaps what im going to contradict myself by saying what im about to say, but…

like everything else, it ALL comes down to money. if you’re making six figures a year (or close to is), odds are you busted your ass all though school, went to good schools (not saying that doctors, lawyers, engineers or whatever DON’T come out of public schools, because many do), had your parents pay for private tutors, and whatnot. they prob had the same things provided for them because thier parents had mone and it keeps going back. and odds are, if you came from a well-educated and well-funded yourth, you are gonna do the same for your kids.

now, im not saying that theres people that, for one reason or another, can’t afford these things (tutors, private schools, ect) are never gonna be sucessful. sure, it happens that less fortunate people want to be sucessfull and bust thier asses and do good and there are also people who are just naturally gifted. i’ve seen it happen before my eyes. my point is, is that a lot of parents who are sucessfull in life know why they are sucessfull and see how vaulable a good quality education is and want thier kids to have the same if not better education that they did so thye can be sucessfull. and all of this costs money. so again, it all comes down to how rich mommy and daddy are and how rich you’re gonna be.