Pulled my engine...now I wait.

i cant wait to seee ittt!!!

right now my intercoolers should be my limiting factor. If i change them out for a larger one or two larger ones I should be able to max out the twin GT-30s i have the engine and suppoting mods to do it. I don’t like to give power predictions… its lame if you don’t live up to them. I made 420whp at 7psi I will now be around 17psi with much more air flow.

I guess when you get up that high in power it really doesn’t matter what the numbers are, lol. I’m at 7psi, but I don’t think the Spec would put out that kinda power and not melt my block. I’ve always had a soft spot for G35’s and you my friend have built one amazing machine, makes me want one even more now. Awesome job.

^^^Thank you it makes me smile when I hear that, most cars at this level of modifications are not DIY so hearing a few compliments makes all of the hours feel worth while. I learned alot on this project no aspect of the car has been untouched so I learned a little about all areas of the car. I am glad I stuck with it two weeks ago I was ready to part it out. I will keep you guys updated I still don’t know if I will post the power numbers or not I don’t mind sharing them with you guys but it seems there is usually conterversy around numbers(not here but the other site), when its complete I will try to make it out to a Friday meet, I will also try to bring my friend with the red G35TT his car is sick. I am gone most of August but hopefully I will be around a bit in September.

Had it out for a drive tonight. Got home and has steam coming from under the hood and oil under the car.:banghead: i hope its a power steering line:001_unsure:

I was wondering why we didn’t see you out Friday night. Good luck

I have been stuck working out of town First Montreal then I just got back from Hinton now I am going on holidays for a week. The days are starting to slip away and I am where you were…close to giving up for this year anyway.

Well i took a bit of break from the car for my sanity and my wife and kids needed some QT since the majority of my evenings and weekends this summer have been spent wrenching.

I had it tuned and driving for a few days then when the car was ideling it stalled and wouldn’t start again. The issue is a broken cam shaft:mad: It appears the bolt that holds the sprocket to the exhaust cam was impact wrenched on the impact must have been set to kill. The snout of the cam broke off under idle, after talking with Jim Wolf he said he has seen it before. So i am going with a set of JWT C2 race cams (i had S1 street cams) and JWT springs at his recommendation(i had ferrea). I have thrown in the towel on the DIY I am getting the guys at Lightspeed Innovations to pull the remaining old cams and springs and reinstall the new stuff and time it and I will finish putting the car back together from there. i just ran out of patience:(. I bought the engine used it had only 1500miles on it and the leak down was good but I knew I was taking my chances I guess I got bit in the a$$. I could have bought just one new S1 cam but I think if the one was impacted on so hard it broke the other are likely the same and may or may not last. So thats why i went all new cams.

I hope the cams and springs are all here by Wednesday and by Wednesday night i am putting the accesories and the front end on.

Wow, shitty luck. Hope you get your new stuff soon and back on the road, would really like to see it before it goes down for a winter nap.

I hope to be going again soon I though i was done for the tear now there is a glimer of hope, as long as no valves are bent.

Right-on, apparently that is a weak spot in the G35’s. The owner of the shop I work at has replaced numerous broken cams on the G35’s, funny he knew exactly what your problem was before I finished telling him.

Well i got the cams in and changed out the valve springs as well. i went with bigger C2 “race cams” see if they help with the power, even though we never really pushed anything yet and it wasn’t lacking power to start with. I have a rad/or a rad hose leak (it was 3am so I just quit before confiming the issue) then I will be running again. i hope to make a meet and get a few passes at castrol before the end of the year.