Punch in the Face for an s13.5

It’s probably old. I’m new to looking at vids online.

that blows

shiitt that sucks

shiitt that old

damn that hurt to watch

wow that sucks … his fault tho

so old, Sucks tho.

If he had just stayed on the gas. He would have made it.

I’m old. I still post.

haha i showed this to my buddy when he was building his coupe with s15 front end and i told him thats what most coupes with s15’s front ends deserve

no diff for the win


He got what he deserved for being an idiot…

I have no sympathy for stupid people.

Thanks for making my afternoon Ronnie!!! lol

he’s lucky there was no on coming cars when that happend

wow he could have instead saved that money for a badly needed paintjob. I wonder if he knew about the HICAS… lol

I’ve never seen it before either, so good find.

the cars paint looked mint other than the un-painted fiberglass fenders?

hicas? its a coupe…

ahahah owned … looks like gripping then understeer. no drift at all.

man it was 3 colors, it needed to be painted regardless… lol and I didnt even notice it was a coupe

so all that front end weight savings did not help with the understeer, lol.

Yeah don’t do stupidities like this on the street.

And grip>drift.

thats what you get for being ka

Not in that scenario… LOL

Ummm, car looked pretty good except for unpainted front end.

Also, what does hicas have to do with it? It doesn’t even have it. Even if it did, you can still hold a slide with it.

To me, I just looked like a clutch kick which initiated and he didn’t have the skill to keep it going, hence the catching traction, then understeer, game over.

It looked like had he gave it another solid kick and laid into it, he would have made it.