puppy KICKED down stairs


   Updated: 12/02/08 01:26 PM

Puppy killed for ‘eyeballing’ owner’s boyfriend

   Town of Tonawanda police have arrested a 24-year-old man and accused him of kicking his girlfriend's 10-month-old puppy down a flight of stairs and then trying to hide the dog's body in the trunk of his car.

Officers charged Marc E. Dash, of DeKalb Street, Tonawanda, with aggravated cruelty to animals, a felony, following the death of the Shih Tzu puppy named Grace. The incident apparently occurred late Sunday morning.
Dash admitted to kicking the dog down the stairs, police reports quoted him as saying, because “it was eyeballing me, you know, looking at me like it didn’t like me.”
Dash told police he attempted to perform CPR on the dog, but when that was unsuccessful, he stuffed the puppy into a duffel bag and hid it in the trunk of his car.
When his girlfriend returned home to her Kenview Avenue apartment, Dash told her the dog had run away. As the girlfriend searched the neighborhood for the dog, a neighbor told her that Dash had been acting suspiciously, removing a duffel bag from his car and then returning to put the duffel in his truck.
The dog’s owner then discovered the puppy in the trunk of her boyfriend’s car. She took the dog into her apartment, but the dog was dead.
“I have a soft spot for animals,” Town of Tonawanda Lt. Nicholas A. Bado said. “They depend on us to care for them, and when someone violates that trust, it’s disturbing, and you wonder about their state of mind.”

wow fuck people.

so wrong…

hope the cops accidentally kicked him down a few flights of stairs

I think as punishment he should have to kick a cane corso down a flight of stairs.

for a second I thought the dog was taking the guy’s eye out of his head…

man, what a douche.

I’m laughing my ass off… I fucking hate shih tzus almost as much as I hate pugs!

Your a fucking scumbag, I hope you break your neck on icy steps, now that would be funny.

Next up on how to get out of a relationship…

per his facebook PAGE

Relationship Status:Single

yea this shit disgust me so much…

Sounds like a classy individual. Hope the owner isnt as shitty of a person.

lol what the fuck, how do you even kick a dog down stairs, they are pretty good at getting on their feet.

my dog falls down the stairs all the time and smashes into the wall at the bottom and it doesnt even phase him

cause ur dog is a GIANT BEAST



if your dog looked at you like this you’d kick it down the stairs too.

edit: seriously though i love dogs and i hope this guy gets the worst karma has to offer.

Piece of shit. WTF

useless sidenote - My friend is Lt Bado. He does have a softspot for dogs.

Marc Dash is a steroid consuming meathead douche

Honestly judging by the news article that is the image i had of the fucktard in question. Does he also have the gotti hair?

Its a Dog…

I was more laughing cause I saw that it was the town of Tonawanda. and I was like oh that makes sense.

School is my life at this point. Pretty much any sport. When in California I love to surf. Beerball is the greatest game ever period. I live at the gym, at least 2 hours a day. My friends call me the Animal, sometimes they let me off the leash hahahahaha.
Sports, gym, hangin out with my friends. Boating in the summer is the best. Fuckin with the guys at the DPW. Redman Chew is a must. ATVing and surfing

must be her dog.

the Dude Screams fucking AWESOME!