What a fucking scumbag

RENSSELAER — The Brant Lake man charged Wednesday with killing a dog that bit his toddler was convicted three years ago of killing a puppy.

Christopher J. Rambone, 23, was arraigned in city court Wednesday on charges of aggravated animal cruelty, a felony under state Agriculture and Markets Law, and fourth-degree criminal mischief, a misdemeanor, for the May 24 incident, said Detective Sgt. Matthew McCoy of the Rensselaer City Police.

McCoy said Rambone allegedly kicked the dog to death.

Police said they were told the dog bit Rambone’s 2-year-old child while they visited a city home, which prompted Rambone’s actions.

Rambone was released to the county probation department and must appear in city court June 28.

In May 2009, Rambone was sentenced to 60 days in jail and three years of probation in Warren County for killing a puppy with a .22 caliber rifle after it defecated on a floor, officials said.

Rambone pleaded guilty to unjustified killing of an animal, a misdemeanor, in that case.

Read more: http://www.timesunion.com/local/article/Dog-kicked-to-death-3616760.php#ixzz1x84i3uEY

I would KILL this motherfucker if i saw him on the street.

The thought of kicking a dog to death makes me rage. I want 10 min behind closed doors with him.

It bit his little kid, I would of kicked it once than shot it.

That was the guys excuse… but he shot a dog for crapping on the floor once. Notice the article states that the guy SAID that it bit his kid, not that it actually did.

@ ninety1two40 Right which is humane if it did bite his kid. But kicking it to death is a bit uncalled for in my mind. Also we don’t know the details leading up to the bite etc… It’s another speculation thread which means it will prolly get interesting lol.

One kick would have sufficed.



Word. I’d like to hear about the “bite”. I’m sure that guys 2yr old kid is training to be a piece of shit just like him, so maybe he stabbed the dog in the eye with a fork or his dad’s ford tempo keys and he got nipped at.

Exactly! But if someone kicked my dog I’d probably be in jail because of my actions mainly because I seriously don’t think my dog knows how to be mean even to protect herself lol.


i don’t know about you sissies but one swift kick and the dog would be dead

Realistically the media could of swung the story either way…

Word. Judging by his past, the dog could have farted on his kid and he would have slaughtered it. Hopefully we can hear the whole story at some point.

it dosent say he kicked the dog more then once mybe he kicked it just right or more like just wrong the dog could have been latched on to his kids arm i would have booted it to if that was the case but his prior actions of killing a puppy for shiting on the carpet tell me more likely it wasnt the case



Would have done the same thing.

ok here’s my view…first I am 99.9% positive the kid did something wrong, and did something he/she should not have. 2nd, the fucking scumbag asshole cocksucking piece of shit, shot a puppy, a fucking puppy, because it went to the bathroom in his kitchen. I would LOVE 5 minutes alone with this assclown, and after speaking with the police about the incident that is the general consensus at the department as well…

5 minutes alone? Sounds like you’ve been listening to alot of pantera.

I wanna kick the shit out of the punk kid just for the dog !!! It’s a animal and they defend themselves as they know how . Shit like this pissed me off , worst part is he won’t get shit for it .