Scumbag of the day award

Scumbag of the day goes to this man (link below). Pretty awful stuff, even worse his scumbag daughter is trying to protect his name and is accusing the police of lying on their reports. Facebook trollers unite, here is def a person who needs some good trolling…


Daughters FB:

More info on the incident:

Fuck this guy so hard.

Death by fire would be too kind a gift for this waste of skin.

I posted this on fb this pisses me off so much, this guy needs to be beaten and then shot and see how he likes it…

Guy looks like a hillbilly faggot, she shows no remorse if the dog was cared for and loved it wouldn’t of attacked him…

I wish I could make a comment on her post, she said innocent until proven guilty, bitch your just trying to abuse the system because you family is a bunch of scumbags…

I would love to throw him in a stockade, charge people $1 to throw rotten fruit, $5 for rocks. All proceeds going towards the SPCA…it’s a win win for all.

They showed his shitbox house on the news as well. I would love to see someone vandalize it.

People that hurt children and animals really have no place in society.

Here is the scumbag now:

Any of these methods seem that they’d be suitable…


No patience for scum like this. I think blatant animal cruelty like this should be handled as if he was doing the same thing to a child.

Apparently he’s a fan of science.

Feel bad for the dog, and I don’t mean the daughter.

And then in another thread half of you will applaud the guy who shoots two people who were stealing a loaf of bread from the store… It’s just a damn dog… and if it really did attack the dude, then, shit, who cares.

Your breakfast bacon probably had a much, much worse time.

Cause if the dog was truly vicious, he could have shot the dog in the head and been done with it. Instead he kicked, punched, and beat the dog with a 2 x 4 then shooting it in the stomach which according to the article did not kill the dog right away and the dog suffered afterwards.

I’m much more concerned about a defenseless dog getting beat to death by a degenerate vs most humans.

That’s exactly the type of people we need with firearms…A guy who found satisfaction from torturing an animal that most of us respect as companions.

Lol you guys crack me up. It’s just a dog. Shit, maybe it attacked him, he beat it away with a pipe, and then shot it.

I think it’s more along the lines that he went too far killing the dog