What a fucking scumbag

I thought about that after I posted it…

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Keep your fuckin kid away from strange dogs and they won’t get bit. Dog is only protecting itself. I hate when fuckin kids come up and want to pet my dog while I’m out walking her. I seriously have to tell the little bastards to leave my dog alone. It doesn’t help especially while I’m trying to train her.

Some dogs sucks ass…most are awesome. Most dogs that do suck have a human to blame. No dog that sucks should be kicked to death ever. Kid should rot in a cell.

On that note, some ravenous dog owned by some loser ever bites my kid… Both could end up in a box. But it would be quick.

They said the dog was a puppy. How hard could it have really bit the child where this guy had to justify kicking a puppy to death?

A grown dog I probably would’ve given the dog a swift one too if it bit my kid.

Puppies bite when they play too. And it’s not hard enough to warrant a kicking.


I could click a dogs head clean off of it’s shoulders. NBD.

Most people feel the same way about you LOL.

The scumbags scummy kid probably antagonized the dog into biting him. I know I watched my moron 3 year old nephew take a swing at my shepherd. Thankfully Jack is very well tempered, but the kid almost got booted across the room for it. My .02 if you can’t monitor your kid and they go pull a dogs tail, ear or w/e they deserve w/e they get and better learn a lesson. I know if somebody came on my property and tryed to attack my dog it would be the last dumb mistake they ever made.

Haha that’s like when my niece yanked on my dogs ear and she yelped. Her dad walked up to her and (not hard but hard enough to get the message across) pulled on her ear and goes “it doesn’t feel too good does it?” I laughed.

Too much grey area for even me to take a side on this one.


yeah Shift isnt getting off that easy, i have to comment somehow! :rofl

I for one dont care for dogs at all, especially aggressive ones. My friend has this big ass dog that straight hates me for some reason, and almost bit me a hand full of times. Almost bit my wife twice, and is sketchy to say the least. Friend or no friend, if that motherfucker got a hold of me I would crank back and crack that mother fucker in the head. If it bit my wife or my family, its lights out too. Something that aggressive is not a “pet”.

Some dogs are just plain retarded. If this was any other normal human, I’d give him a chance to explain… but this is a dude that shot a puppy for crapping on the floor. He’s obviously a scumbag.

K.k , did u explain suttin in front of the dog at some point ? Just sayin that may be the problem .


dogs dont speak English silly goose. DERP

Still has ears lol

TOUCHE good point!

people like this deserve to punished more in my opinion, how can you justify hitting a dog.

You know no one ever hot mad at jack black when he field goal kicked the shit outta Baxter http://gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs/651589_o.gif

Grew up with the detective and his family, I’ll have to ask him for some specifics next time I see him.

Sickens me to see the guy has killed multiple dogs. Fucking scumbag