White Oak Park, in… ummmm… White Oak. Just off Rte. 48 between McKeesport and Monroeville.
It is a county park, but it is better kept than South Park, there are no “swamps” after a rain, has more grass instead of dirt, and the people/dogs are a lot friendlier, IMHO. We’re kind of same distance to both and for a while were going to both, but South Park has just gone downhill. Since I’ve got my yard cleared of brush, grass planted, and got the fence up, I don’t do dog parks much anymore. But if I did, it would be White Oak > *.
EDIT: For those interested, I’m having a “dogapalooza” tomorrow, Saturday, the 27th from 4pm-??? at my house. I have almost an acre cleared and fenced. It may rain, but we’re having it unless it is extreme downpour. BYOB. We’re expecting maybe 10-15 dogs of all sizes and ages. I’m dog-sitting a real cool husky over the weekend and he’s having a blast with my two weims. Should be fun.