props to GC for making all this happen. event was a success. figured might as well put all the pics in one thread. heres the pics from the premeet at woodbine and 16th, purauto grand opening, and the downtown cruise. for the premeet we were supposed to meet up with john, steve, and the rest of the ny/nj crew but they were delayed so it ended up being r32 gtr meet. day after grand opening of purauto. was a wicked event. only thing missing was models(i blame GC for this). hehehe. then had to jet downtown and back to shop to find that everyone left for downtown already so i had to chase them through downtown. 6-10 blocks of cat and mouse. finally caught with them went for a cruise. stopped over near queensway and the rest of the convoy decided to go back to the hotel to go to the club early. leaving me and john’s r33 gtr to head back to dt core together. then disaster struck. a big puff of smoke and we pull over. look at pics to see what happened. :drivin
bignate went home early and missed the shoot. (chris, roger, dave, kevin, me)
different angle
team toyo street lineup
GTRC lineup
GTRC lineup 2
NY/NJ lineup (r33 gtr and r33 gts25t)
NY/NJ lineup 2 (r33 gts25t and the z06 corvette)
all skyline lineup (dave, me, harvey, nav, neal)
my baby. (the slowest gtr in ontario)
the beast from NY. r33 skyline GTR LMGT4!!!
heres that sexy ass for all you r33 haters.
another fine example of an r33 gts25t.
another angle
navins purple beast!
neals sexy 2.7L gtr.
red honda civic(according to nate) lol
team toyo street’s corvette
one of the sickest and cleanest r32 gtr i’ve ever seen.
my stock interior. just had to throw that in. hehehe
disaster struck. car wont turn over. oil leaking(front right wheel)
me taking a photo of john filming me.
we had nothing else to do so we start taking vids and pics.
what the car left behind.
tow truck arrives.
r33 getting loaded on the flatbed. the tow truck guy is amazing. knows exactly what to do with lowered car.
still dripping oil and coolant.
car arrives at the shop. with my car in the background.

it was a pain to put up on the hoist and required 8 guys to do it. we all wanted to see what happened.
we find the culprit. its hard too see clearly in this pic.
a closeup view.
at the shop after bringing the car in. 2 r32 gtr’s, r33 gts25t, 300zx, and a mk3 supra.
more pics of that sexy r32 gtr from NY.
some bonus vids i took.
p.s. im just too lazy to make two threads for this. so just copied and pasted my post from gtrc.