Putin vs. Turkey et al

hey curious to pick your collective brains on this shit and to have a thread ready for when the S hits the F…

Putin / Russia has 224 people killed on a passenger plane a few weeks ago (ISIS claims responsibility) and then Turkey shoots down a Russia fighter jet.

At first i assumed, probably like many others, that the russian pilot was being a dick… but apparently it is coming out that the plane was shot from behind and was not properly communicated with?

If so, that’s basically two acts of war against Russia in like 30 days. If Putin doesn’t assert himself in a massive way he’s basically a pussy; no?

Current article for reference: http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/11/28/us-mideast-crisis-turkey-russia-kremlin-idUSKBN0TH0H720151128

[SIZE=5]President Vladimir Putin is fully mobilized to tackle what the Kremlin regards as an unprecedented threat from Turkey following the shooting down of one of its warplanes by a Turkish F-16, the Russian leader’s spokesman said on Saturday.

It’s actually way more complex because Turkey is part of NATO

yeah i read about that and the resulting complications somewhere too.

news has been bonkers the past few weeks… usually so boring.

sanctions announced… more to come on monday