What is Putin thinking?

Send a bomber out to buzz a US aircraft carrier?


After violating Japanese airspace last week resulting in fighters being scrambled.

It’s only a matter of time before one of these ancient bombers gets their stupid asses shot down and sets off an international incident.

Another cold war could be fun

idk the Tupelov 95’s are pretty fucking sweet… 500mph prop is just awesome

BTW Bombers… have long service lifes

The Tu-95 is still in service, as of 2008, and is expected to remain in service with the Russian Air Force until at least 2040.[1]

I honestly don’t see them being in service until then, maintenance just gets too hard

O and seriously like a top 5 fucking most bad ass bomber. They definitely deserve the respect

i dont see how this is news or how one could take the stand point: “those russians are up to something”

Putin can do what he wants. If you dont like it, keep your mouth shut or you get died

Yeah, he can do what he wants, but when it involves buzzing a US carrier and entering other countries airspace in a military aircraft those countries can in turn do what they want, including shooting one down.

He’s playing chess. Along with expanding his sphere of influence he is flexing his military muscle as well.

Does russia have a large enough military to go into war? I really dont know what they have anymore…I know pre-cold war they were very powerful but to today’s standards I’m not sure.

And what I’m worried about is that eventually someone is going to take one of his pawns.

The US runs around and does what it wants. Putin feels like poking the Bull once in a while to let it know hes there. Big deal.

Its NOT the cold war anymore and the old attitudes and mindset is idiotic.

WTF is a lone bomber going to do??? And what about the consequences in case someone thinks it would make a move.

Stupid and pointless scenario. Let him flex. Be happy that he only wants to play.

I HIGHLY doubt that considering typical Russian reaction.

to me they still sound big …in 2005 they moved in 330,000 people into the military :gotme: i think something is going on

they spend 32 billion a year in expenditures and ranked 5th in the world and have nuclear weapons…http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russia_and_weapons_of_mass_destruction

also see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Father_of_all_bombs

Well I was about to say “Yeah they have nukes but no delivery system.”


Me thinks that the next world war will be the last one for about 10,000 years. :ohnoes:

That’s a impressive prop plane.

I know not what weapons World War III will be fought with, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” -Albert Einstein

Dude knew his shit.

looking at the link…do you notice that they did some things in Dec of 07 and Jan of 08

ha b/c after WW3 there will be nothing left

Kinda like China…till Clinton gave them one…DOH!

Based on predictions it will be 2012 when Russia goes cookoo for coko puffs and bombs western Europe (with middle east support).
According to snopes it is not true though.

Ironic, I watched this earlier today…

Russia 5830 active nuke weapons
USA 5735
france 350
CHINA 200-250
uk 200