What is Putin thinking?

Snopes is just propaganda put out by the government man!

Did you get that good stuff from Ann Coulter?

See 12/21/2012 thread.

It’s the end of the 13th b’ak’tun of the Mayan long count calendar you ignorant slut!


Hes just having fun with his toys

This is why Russia is up in arms about NATO recruiting old warsaw pact nations, and NATO installing anti ballistic missle defenses in easterrn europe. They are pissed. Putin is a hard liner conservative from the old soviet days. This, does not surprise me.

NATO is over rated anyway.

sure the can be a little impotent from time to time on conflicts but I’m sure in an all out war I wouldn’t want to fuck with them

Why? Nato has no official binding power or reach. :mamoru: