PWC guys?

So the water is 72 degrees in Lake Erie. Who has personal water craft, and who is interested in a NYSpeed day on the water?

I just got a 01 GTX/DI and am excited to get back into riding.

72 degrees? What are you smoking?

Yeah, the lake temp is 64.

It won’t hit 72 until the end of June if you’re lucky.

64 doesn’t sound too bad, but that’s at 30 feet. Just looking at those surface temps make my sack shrink. :ohnoes:

ive been out a few times … its really not bad at all on a hott day

im just nervous about sharks everytime

:tup: but id meet up on the water one day, i think rushford or a different spot would be more fun though

I ment 62, sorry. I did get in the water, it was shocking for sure, but its not bad on the machine.

nervous about sharks?

God invented wetsuits for a reason. I’ve done 55* water with a 3/2, and that’s IN the water the whole time. Man up.

Sharks? I miss having my GP1200R. I’ll get one again some day.

I’d be down for a meet. I went out on April 2 this year and wasn’t cold. Last weekend the water actually felt warm.

I have been in 34 degrees testing a tuning before leaving for daytona…with a wet suit and not dry suit…didnt last long , i was out for ten mins but still made it in that cold of water. I was out last week and the water is pretty good right now.

Ill have my stand up ski ready by next week and hopefully a new sit down ski next week too so i would be down for a meet or if you want ill post up some info on a jet ski meet in august that a few of my friends are getting together. Its a weekend of riding, drinking and just having a good time. We will have riders from out of town, canada, ohio, pa…

I’ve had my familys brand new GTX limited out the first year they entered the market in 98’, with ice still comming down the river. We launched at isleview, and when my brother and father took it out they totally rolled the thing. Not good.

Side note, or question. I am looking for a 2 place trailer since I’m getting a second machine this week. If anyone knows where one is for a decent price it would be awesome for the heads up. Thanks.

Im looking for the same thing right now…im getting sick of carrying the stand up skis in the back of my truck

I took out the second machine that i bought. I have an identical pair now. There was a sweet poker run with some very impressive boats today. Here are some cell pics. The phone got a drop of water on the lens, but the water is nice :slight_smile:

Yea heard about that. Quad supercharged dual big blocks at 1600 hp a piece makes for some high speed river runs.

you guys should check craigslist, they usually have a few trailers on there

Please tell me i’m not the only finance nerd who thought PriceWaterhouse…

So the surface temp is 82+ in some areas, like strawberry island and near the windmills. 4 feet down its colder, but its like bath water out there. NYSpeed PWC day?

I’d be down, and I know of at least one other member that would be.

every thursday my group of friends with all stand ups are at hamburg beach…its a good time… i maybe down by isleview tomm and sunset sunday…look for a bright ass yellow stand up

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