hahaha fucking great

thats pretty much the oldest story on the internet…

There is no way any girl would write that and post it to the public.


oh my god i cant stop laughing… :lol:

This thread is amazing :tup:

this did not happen… its a tucker max story… see:

X2…i thought i remembered reading that story somewhere else and then it clicked…tucker max FTW!

who was the girl??

this is hilariousss



Only problem with that is that I was with him at about 3 parties where he literally pooped through his pants. That’s the only reason I believed the rest of his story. I guess I could tell you about the time where he sat on the front porch for about 3 hours in Chicago in the middle of winter in soaked through poop jeans because no one would take him home and he was too drunk to figure out how to get a cab. Is that a Tucker Max story too?

not doubting your buddy does have a case of the shits when he gets drunk but it was like the exact same story in tucker max’s book…funny as fuck none the less! i wanna meet someone that shits their pants when they get drunk…that way i can call him captain poopy pants

Yeah I had no idea who Tucker Max is so I guess either my buddy has the exact same kind of shitting capibilities or he just felt that since he was a crapper he’d atleast copy someones story about going to bed with a girl and pooping? I atleast gave him credit for going home with a girl haha.


cant say ive ever shat my pants, sober or drunk…so i dont know how it feels…im guessing warm :gotme: lol

a friend of mine has a story similar to this… alabama slammers !
