Q's about Winter Storage

here’s some of my thoughts/what I do, at least on the steps I’ve heard before…

  1. Stabil has always worked for me

  2. I’d advise against periodic running to circulate the oil…When you’re ready to take it out again, pull the fuse for the fuel pump/injectors and crank the starter long enough to build oil pressure then replace the fuse and away you go. I’ve also heard to change the oil just before you store it and just before you start to drive it again

  3. I just add pressure to the tires…never had any issues with flat spots

  4. If you do trickle charge the battery be sure to get a charger that senses when the battery is charged so that it only charges when necessary

  5. See #3 above

  6. never heard of that

  7. Arm & Hammer makes a box of baking soda perfect for storing cars. you take the sides off the box, put inside, and it keeps the car for getting musty