Question about a Ticket!!!!

I was driving down Delaware and got pulled over by a Kenmore Police Officer for using my cell phone. I couldn’t tell you the last time I had a ticket and its my first ticket for this offense. My court date is the 18th and wondering if I should plead not guilty or just send it in? Any ideas?

I got a cell phone ticket almost 3 years ago and just sent it in since I couldn’t take the day off for court. It stays on your record for 3 years I believe so it has caused my insurance to go up a little. For me it should be coming off my record soon.

Is this a serious question?

I broke into my neighbors house and stole his TV…the cops found me with the TV in hand coming out the window…


New cell phone law mandates $150 and 2 points. No pleas last I heard

Whether you can plea in most towns or not, this is Kenmore. Bring your KY.

Effective July 12, 2011, there will be 2 driver penalty points, in addition to the fine of $150 for violations of the cell phone law.

Enjoy points. The fine wont be more than $150 but you will take an insurance ass ramming from the 2 points.

I think everyone in WNY has met a Kenmore cop at least once. They make enough money on tickets so they don’t levy property taxes.

In Amherst, I plead guilty and just paid the $150 fine to the court clerk. No points no sitting in court for 3 hours. The again this was like 3 years ago so the law might have changed. Call the court and find out.

I’ve never been pulled over by ToT or Kenmore lol.

always plead no guilty, no matter what

I got a cell phone and inspection ticket this year driving Newmans E30, It was kenmore court. I sent in the ticket not guilty got another court date went in 40 mins early(do this) was out in half hour before the time I was scheduled for. It was dropped down to a $50 parking ticket and I went on my way. Fastest/cheapest court I’ve been too in a while.

Anyone saying things that happened in the past are outdated. The law changed in July so anything that happened before then it was just a simple violation. They changed it this summer.

Wanted: Shepard to lead a Sheep.

Kenmore courts are such a money grab. If you live in Kenmore, the cops usually let you off with a warning. Everybody else gets a ticket just about every time.

The only time I actually got a ticket in Kenmore was before I lived here. I went to court and got shit reduced. From what I heard from other people, they usually reduce tickets if you do go to court. It was the fastest court I’ve ever been as well.

this was done along with being able to be pulled over for texting and driving… I believe it’s $150 and 2 points as well.

Do you live in Kenmore or are you assuming about property taxes? Property taxes are high for the Village of Kenmore.

Yikes sucks with the new laws. 2 years ago I had a cell phone ticket $50 dollar fine no points :slight_smile: Of course this is my first ticket ever lol.

I thought you always plead not-guilty. My excuse was, I was using the device to get a map of where something was. and I misunderstood the hands free meant hands free law. Judge totally bought it.

Doesn’t work lol. I was legit using it as a map since I was lost and he still gave me a ticket.

New law is any device in your hand can cause you to get stopped. Texting, calling, gps, reading email, looking for a number, anything.