another ticket thread need answeres

my gf was pulled over the other day for talkin on her cellphone. i know theres a fine but the thing that makes it really bad is she just got her liscense a week befor that. from what i hear she has to go to coart and pleed guilty and pay the fine but from what i hear she might get her liscnense revoked just because shes a new driver. what should she expect?

not for a cell phone she wont. if it was speeding maybe but nto for a cell phone casue its not moving. also the one time i was in court i saw a lady who got one for a cell phone she brought in a hands free device she bought along with the recipet showing she bought it after the ticket. the judge let her off with a $50 fine

yeah thats only for moving violations.

Cell phone tickets are like $175 bucks too I believe, its a bunch of bs.

did she get pulled over on walden on sunday at night by chance??

jesus, fixed for spelling

The judge didn’t let her off. That’s what the fine is. In Kenmore anyways. My fiance just got one a month ago. It was like 50 bucks. It’s not a moving violation so no points, but insurance can still see it and use it for an excuse to keep rates high.

Original poster, just go pay it. I “think” you can go before your scheduled court date. Call the courthouse or just show up.

how is talking on a cell phone, WHILE DRIVING, not considered a moving violation? when i got one a long time ago i was told i could possibly get a point or two for it…but i, as always, pleaded not guilty, brought a headset with me to court just in case, but it was never even asked for…and they just gave me a parking ticket, no questions asked…

^^ i thought you could get a point for it.