Cell phone ticket in Kenmore.

My fiance got a ticket in Kenmore for talking on her cell phone while driving. Can she plea bargain it or should she just plead guilty and mail it in?

if its no points on your license, i’d just pay it.

I bet she could plea it down, but does she want to go to some driving school or some shit?

depends on what’s more valuable to her… time or money? It’s not a moving violation (i don’t believe) so it will come down to what’s more convienent, dropping a check in the mail or waiting in court for 2hrs and missing work to get it reduced by a minimal amount.

I don’t believe these get reduced. When the law first went into affect if you showed you purchased a hands free they would drop it, but now I believe you get the fine no matter what. $125 I think.

It is a moving vilolation and 2 points.

$100 down the drain :frowning:


It is a moving vilolation and 2 points.




I hate when people post something making it sound like fact and are completely wrong.




I hate when people post something making it sound like fact and are completely wrong.



Fugg it. I just told her to mail it in with a guilty plea.

BTW, I got one of these tickets a couple years ago. 2 weeks later I saw the same cop that ticketed me talking on his cell phone while driving his APD cruiser. Even though I know cops/firemen are except from this law it still really pissed me off.


BTW, I got one of these tickets a couple years ago. 2 weeks later I saw the same cop that ticketed me talking on his cell phone while driving his APD cruiser. Even though I know cops/firemen are except from this law it still really pissed me off.


+1 I see cops do it all the time and it frustrates me that they get away with all sorts of shit like that.

Here we go…

And I just paid my last one.




I hate when people post something making it sound like fact and are completely wrong.


Well I guess the depew judge was wrong then. About two monthes ago I went to court for a different reason and the first thing he annouced to everyone is that talking on your cell is a moving violation and points.

Not sure if he was talking out of his ass or what the deal is but that is exactly what he said.

Looking more into it, seems like he was totally lying.

I have no about how it works but when I went to renew my insurance they denied me because I had points/violations.The ONLY thing on my record was 2 cell phone tix.Hadn’t even been pulled over for MANY years before that.Had to use a different company for 6 mos. until one of them cleared up.True story.


I have no about how it works but when I went to renew my insurance they denied me because I had points/violations.The ONLY thing on my record was 2 cell phone tix.Hadn’t even been pulled over for MANY years before that.Had to use a different company for 6 mos. until one of them cleared up.True story.


It does show up on your driving abstract, but it’s a 0 point violation. Hell, it says is right on the DMV site, and they’re the ones who track the points. I’m shocked your insurance would deny you on that. Hell, even the classic car insurance company let me slide on a cell ticket, and they are insanely strict about your record.

Doesn’t surprise me that some dipshit elected judge out in Depew doesn’t know it. His judicial experience is probably his vast knowledge of the show Law and Order.

oh wow. ok, this is a good call for me to drop my cell phone when driving. lol.

once you get rear ended by a chic/guy talking on the phone, you will understand why i am mad to anyone doing it…

funny thing is you could see her face stamped with the phone on her cheek…
was not funny at all for me at the time…