Question about Downsview PRO-AM event

Alright, seems like I can’t take the friday off since my boss has already taken the ENTIRE week off and at least 1 of us need to be there.

So my question is, can I get a driver to qualify for me, then I take his spot for saturday?

Is that legit?

If so, if anyone is willing to go to downsview and qualify for me, you will be paid the event cost + some.

Driftops, LET ME KNOW!!!

PS: i know everyone is going to say for sure if they can drive my car but that is not an option. you would need your own vehicle.

i am thinking the same thing…lol

this friday / saturday thing is a total calamity.

i know Alex and Kendrick and Wayne are working to make it as accomodating as possible, but its nuts.

I am hearing that DMCC wants to do the qualifying and have it all finished for like 5pm on friday… and do the top 8 or so on saturday… you’re basically wasting 4 hours of daylight from 5-9… and its the time when people can ACTUALLY BE THERE… after work.

frig, let the DMCC guys get a few hours of practice in during the day. let the amatuers warm up and do the qualifying in the evening, or saturday morning… show time afternoon on saturday and go all the way to dusk…

its mkaing me nuts…

^^ I agree

Or at least let there be a last call for qualifying for those who come in right after work.

I could be there for 530pm. I’ll drive my car to work with spare tires and all that jazz.

Last qualifers get 1 practice lap or something.

Driftops, can you guys get DMCC to seriously consider something like this??

Let the amatuers practice more before qualifying or let the pros get more time.

Whatever it takes to allow people to come at 5:30pm or whatever.


frig, i will be in Montreal all day, i will fly back to qualify at night…lol


I already have a few drivers that I could trust that could do some runs for me, but they would also be qualifying as well.

If a driver paid twice to qualify (one for me and one for the driver), is that also possible?

I’m looking at all options here!

Help us out!

how many people are actually going on friday? i had to beg a co-worker to take my shift on fri. hopefully they find something to accomodate the full timers. there going to be delay tandem or single runs agian ?

shit, wait a second. I just checked the DMCC site and it shows only amatuer drifitng for friday.

saturday is 100% pro drifting championships.

i guess they are doing qualifications AND finals the same day for amateurs?


nah, its not in stone yet. Alex and Kendrick and Wayne are your go-to guys here.

Vlad is going to qualify for me Friday in his car, then I’m going to drive Saturday in my car.


Well i will be going on the friday…but i have flexibility at my job to go whenver i want …but i can see how it is a problem for alot of people and agree there should be some effort to change it …as long as we get alot of practice time on the corse…ill be happy!

just because you can qualify, doesn’t mean you can make podium.

So for friday, did you have to have competed and qualified from the previous driftops event to partake in this amature drift?