question about HIDS

ya i know, its odd. but I saw the UPS label on the box and was like holy shit… came from hong kong too

maybe it was next day. not sure, I just know I got it either the next day or the day after. crazy fast shipping

i love hids so much never knew what i was missin lol
a company from out by me orders them from this comp. in cali (i thinks thats what they said) but there nice lights w/warranty cheap ill check on the number today or tommorrow if any1 is interested

i did a retro fit for my Bonneville, because the stock headlight has a good bit of glare and tons of hot spots…with a set of silverstars they were better than most headlights, but a Projector and HID kick major ass

also is a very good place to get quality HID’s

here is what i ended up with. The Projectors are out of a Cadillac

these are in progress pics

the outer lense is not on

but the output dosent lie

in all honesty do a retro, of buy a set of aftermarket projector headlights

vvme sucks…i had 2 sets die on ppl that i order them for thru them…

they have no # to call them about issues or anything, you can only contact them thru email & it takes them awhile to respond back & trying to trouble shoot thru email blows

question about AIDS ???

chris get your car fixed before you put lights to light up the garage where it sits :wink:

you also saw a b2 break the sound barrier over the south hills. I think you are full of shit. You make Blue look like a stand up guy.

i see so many aftermarket hid padiddles out on the road now i decided to stick with halogen.

Frank my car is fixed. runs great. lol plus my car port out back has no lights. LOL gotta see right…